‘Alain Delon’s ex-wife’ Natalie Delon dies… 80 years old

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Actress Natalie Delon, the wife of French actor Alain Delon, 86, passed away. 80 years old.

AFP news agency reported on the 21st (local time), “Natalie Delon, a French actress who was once called the world’s best beauty, died of cancer in Paris on the 21st.”

Anthony Delon, son of Natalie Delon and Alain Delon, said in an interview, “My mother passed away this morning surrounded by family and friends at 11 o’clock.” Natalie Delon had cancer that progressed very quickly.

Ex-husband Alain Delon, who was still friends with Natalie Delon after the divorce, said in an interview, “It’s so sad. It’s always a heartbreaking thing for someone you love to die.” And she was a part of my life. We spent Christmas together and took pictures together, and it was the last picture.”

Natalie Delon had a top secret wedding with Alain Delon, the pronoun of the handsome actor in 1964, and in 1967, the movie’Le Samourai’, was in harmony with Alain Delon. At the time, the name was announced when the marriage to Alain Delon, who had been with Romi Schneider for a long time, became known. Anthony Delon is under the two of them. Natalie Delon eventually divorced after Alain Delon’s constant scandal.

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Photo| Still cut of the movie’Solitude’

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
