Airborne Ministry suspects Kim Hak’s illegal withdrawal is re-transferred to the prosecution…Investigation is expected to accelerate

Kim Jin-wook, chief of the high-ranking public officials criminal investigation, is on the morning of the 12th to go to work at the Gwacheon Government Complex in Gyeonggi Province, answering questions from reporters. Newsis

The High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KAI) decided to re-transfer to the prosecution on the alleged ban on illegal departure from former Vice Minister Kim Hak-e. This is expected to accelerate the prosecution’s investigation in the future.

Regarding the suspected illegal withdrawal case, the Ministry of Public Affairs said on the 12th, “After repeating distress over the direction of the case transferred from the Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office, I decided to transfer to the prosecution.” Airborne Minister Kim Jin-wook explained the background of the decision to resign, “Since the Air Service is currently selecting prosecutors and investigators, it may take three to four weeks or more, so it is not a realistic condition to focus on the investigation.”

The Suwon District Prosecutor, who is investigating this case, said on the 3rd, “If an investigative agency other than the Airborne Department finds a crime of a high-ranking public official, such as a prosecutor, the case will be transferred to the Airlift Department.” Cases related to incumbent prosecutors, including prosecutor Lee Gyu-won, who had been dispatched to Korea, were handed over to the airlift.

The airlifting agency that took over the case has reviewed the relevant records and struggled with the direction of handling such as △direct investigation of the airborne agency, △redirection to the prosecution, △transfer to the national investigation headquarters of the National Police Agency. According to the Ministry of Airborne Act, if it is determined that it is appropriate for other investigative agencies to investigate crimes of high-ranking officials in view of the suspects, victims, and the content and scale of the case, the chief may transfer the case to the relevant agency.

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