Aiming for China?… Johnson’Let’s Sign an International Treaty of Pandemic Transparency’

China proposes to WHO right after criticism of insufficient information

EU, welcome

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson./Reuters Yonhap News

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson proposed to world leaders to conclude an international treaty to ensure the transparency of information related to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) ahead of the G7 video summit. The proposal was made shortly after criticizing China for not providing enough information to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Corona 19 origin investigation team, which seems to be a remark aimed at China.

On the 15th (local time), according to Reuters, Prime Minister Johnson said at a press conference on the day that he was willing to conclude an international treaty agreeing that countries will share data related to Corona 19.

“It is attractive to sign an international treaty on the pandemic (a global pandemic of infectious diseases) among the proposals that I have come across in recent months,” he said.

Prime Minister Johnson stressed the need for universal consensus on how to track data related to the zoonotic (transmitted from animal to human) pandemic. At the same time, it proposed to conclude a joint agreement on transparency.

The proposal came as WHO experts failed to identify the origin of Corona 19 in Wuhan, China, followed by the United States and Britain, criticizing the Chinese government for insufficient information provision.

British Foreign Minister Dominic Rab said on the 14th that the WHO investigation team shares US concerns about the authority to access information granted in China. said.

Prime Minister Johnson responded on the same day to the question, “Most evidence seems to indicate that Corona 19 originated in Wuhan.”

Prime Minister Johnson’s proposal was immediately welcomed by the European Union.

“We welcome Prime Minister Johnson’s proposal to cooperate with the preparation of a pandemic treaty to promote global readiness and resilience,” said Charles Michel, executive chairman of the European Union (EU) summit on Twitter today.

/ Reporter Park Seong-gyu [email protected]
