‘AI vs. Humans’ PD “Seol Min-seok edited in’Thesis Plagiarism’… Hong Jin-young is contemplating format”

Nam Sang-moon Director Kim Min-ji PD (3)

[스포츠서울 김선우기자]’AI vs Humans’ PD Kim Min-ji revealed the secret story that he worked hard on in the public relations.

On the 28th, an online press conference for SBS New Year’s special’Confrontation of the Century AI vs. Human (hereinafter AI vs. Human)’ was held. PD Nam Sang-moon and PD Kim Min-ji attended the event on this day.

‘AI vs Humans’ is a program that deals with the confrontation between the highest number of humans and AI. As Seol Min-seok and Hong Jin-young, who participated in this program, have been controversial over the plagiarism of thesis, the editing status is also receiving a lot of attention.

Regarding this, Nam Sang-moon PD said, “It’s a painful finger. I was going to be the best panel or AI performer, but from now on, I had to do it with live broadcasting, so I already had a recording, but since there is a time gap between broadcasting, various things have occurred and it was very difficult.”

“In the case of Seol Min-seok, I’m sorry to myself, but since there was a part that was difficult to be recognized socially, it would be right to edit through the panel, but it is one in four. The share of the talk was also high and it was not easy to get rid of it because it was given a roll that held the center programmatically, but considering the viewers, it was possible to see a full shot or a back head for a while, but I removed it from talk or something like that.”

“The first dilemma is Jinyoung Hong. Hong Jin-young is the same standard. I think it could be different from Seol Min-seok. The problem of thesis plagiarism as a singer may be different from thesis plagiarism as a lecturer, but it is true that Hong Jin-young also did a job that would be socially criticized after leaving the judgment. It’s not because they have a heart to be upset,” he said. “However, there are several months of hard work of AI developers who have developed like their own children, and some people have done it for more than 10 years before that. I’m sorry. They are also worried. I’m hardening my mind to introduce composition AI, but it is a question of whether to include Hong Jin-young in it. If you don’t include it, you won’t be able to talk at all, so you have to stop broadcasting at all.”

First broadcast at 10 pm on the 29th.

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Photo | SBS
