Ahn Young-mi has been unable to get married for the first year after marriage registration.

Young-mi Ahn complains about a one-year postponed wedding
“My husband is in Saudi Arabia”
“Romance in dress rather than ceremony”
“I won’t call comedian motives”

'Oh my God' still / photo provided = T-Cast E channel

‘Oh my God’ still / photo provided = T-Cast E channel

Ahn Young-mi confesses her sad feelings about the wedding that has been delayed for one year.

Ahn Young-mi’s extraordinary inner feelings, which he has not been able to talk about so far, will be revealed in the’Oh my God’ (hereinafter referred to as’Oh my God’) of the T-Cast E channel, which airs for the first time on the 19th.

While introducing a shocking story related to the wedding, MC Tak Jae-hoon shudders to Ahn Young-mi, saying, “You haven’t been able to get married yet. My husband keeps going to Saudi Arabia.

Young-mi Ahn said, “I didn’t know that Corona 19 would last so long. I tried to have a ceremony after two to three months after the marriage registration, but…” At the same time, he said, “I have a romance that wants to wear a dress rather than a ceremony. I haven’t even taken a wedding pictorial yet.”

Another talker of’What’s wrong’ and Ahn Young-mi’s best friend, Jang Dong-min, changes the atmosphere, saying, “Do you want to receive an event at the wedding? We (comedians) are always singing a song.” Young-mi Ahn said, “I will never call my motives,” and “I have been doing a lot of things in the meantime. Everyone is working hard.” When Ahn Young-mi actually played a VCR that turned the scene upside down with a chest dance performance at another comedian colleague’s wedding hall, Jang Dong-min said, “The main character in the story was here,” causing laughter.

‘Mother Some Day’ is a format that unrestrainedly pours out the hot stories that actually exist, and introduces unusual stories such as how to avenge the sister-in-law who ruined the wedding from the first time, the father-in-law seeking breast milk, and the ex-boyfriend of a psychopath. Tak Jae-hoon, Jang Dong-min, Ahn Young-mi, and Kim Dong-hyun appear. The first broadcast is at 8:50 pm on the 19th.

Reporter Jiwon Kim [email protected]

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