Ahn Sang-tae’s wife, “poor keyboard warrior living underneath” snipers neighbors

[이데일리 김소정 기자] The controversy is that the comedian An Sang-tae’s wife posted a post that seems to mock a neighbor who complained of the pain between floor noise.

Mrs. Ahn’s Instagram

On the 18th, Mr. Ahn Sang-tae’s wife and illustrator Jo Mo left a post on her Instagram on the 18th: “Poor celebrity living above, poor KeyboardWarrior living below (keyboard warrior, someone who fights online or criticizes others).” He also clicked’Like’ in this article.

The poor’keyboard warrior’ living below is believed to be a neighbor A, who recently pointed out the floor noise of his family.

Mr. A, who revealed that it is the 28th week of pregnancy, revealed through an online community on the 12th, “I heard a lot of stress during a sensitive period because I heard the sound of throwing objects, foot hammers, and running without distinction between night and day.”

Mr. A said that he had seen sneakers and rollerblades in the child’s room on Jo’s Instagram. Afterwards, Ahn said he would move soon.

Ahn status Instagram

However, he criticized Cho’s claim that Mr. A was malicious. Mr. Jo said on his Instagram, “You wrote it so badly with the intention of blaming us. Living in this house for five years, I have never had a problem with interfloor noise. After the lower house moved, the man came up every night and started ringing the bell.”

“I politely apologize, order more mats, and scold the child and do my best. If I run even a little, I give attention every moment, so the child has become a habit. They also order and wear slippers. We did our best in our own way. This is all my husband asked me to stop doing. But since then, whether you’ve gotten a lot of anger, these days, we mobilized both the management office and the security office, so the day is far away and the bell rings, but we are also in a very stressful situation.” It was explained that the rollerblades and sneakers on SNS were only decorated.

Ahn’s family is expected to openly snipe their neighbors on social media while they have not been able to solve the problem of’inter-floor noise’ with their neighbors.

Netizens said, “It’s a keyboard warrior on SNS..”, “Why did you like that?”, “Why did you do this like this?”, “The conversation ends well..I’m going to move anyway. Oil is poured in the flames.”
