Ahn Sang-tae wife Jo In-bin snipers interfloor noise conflict?… Controversial ing [종합]

Ahn Sang-tae’s wife Jo In-bin’s SNS post

[이데일리 스타in 김가영 기자] Controversy continues with comedian Ahn Sang-tae and his wife, illustrator Jo In-bin, posting a post that seems to be sniping a neighbor in the midst of a conflict between floor noise.

On the 18th, Mr. Inbin Jo said on his Instagram, “Poor Celebrity. The below posted an illustration video with the article “Poor KeyboardWarrior”. In the released video, a person in a dinosaur’s mask plays a guitar upstairs and sings a song.

When this post was released, speculation was raised that Mr. Jo In-bin, the wife of Ahn Sang-tae, shot the residents of the lower house who had suffered a conflict between floor noise.

In response, Jo In-bin, an illustrator and wife of Ahn Sang-tae, said, “I expressed what I want to say with a picture. “Because my job is an illustrator, I tried to draw clearly what I wanted to say with a picture,” he said. “I wanted to say that it wasn’t because it wasn’t as beautiful as I was.” He explained that the arguments of the lower house were not true, and that they were sad while watching her husband. .

Mr. A, who previously claimed that he was living in the house of Ahn Sang-tae and Jo In-bin, was moved to the couple’s lower house during pregnancy through an online community, and he was stressed by hearing the sound of throwing objects, foot hammers, and running at night and day while working from home. Insisted. In addition, he said, “I asked my husband politely and asked him to come, so I visited him once or twice, but there was no improvement, so I sent it one more time.” “But, he said,’Do you know that it is illegal to come this way?’,’You’re very sensitive.’ Leaving the public figure, is this a normal reaction.” In addition, through the SNS of the Ahn Sang-tae couple, they released a captured picture saying that they confirmed their lack of consideration for the lower house.

In response, Jo In-bin, wife of Ahn Sang-tae, said, “I remember the comments of the presumed subordinates. “If you had said,’It’s a lower house,’ wouldn’t we have been able to talk to each other and solve it well?” Mr. A, who claimed to be a lower-class resident, said, “How can I sue if I came back? The conflict between the two sides intensified, refuting that they never left a comment, saying, “Do you visit me?”

Meanwhile, Ahn Sang-tae’s couple announced that they would move, saying, “I did not act outside of common sense.”
