Ahn Jung-hwan “Park Ji-sung, I noticed after joining Man U.”

Ahn Jung-Hwan released an episode of Park Ji-Sung. Provided by JTBC

Ahn Jung-hwan, the director of “Combined together,” revealed the story behind Park Ji-sung, who was a roommate.

On the 27th broadcast of JTBC’s final evaluation before the national tournament,’Returned Stork’ Hwang Sun-hong and’Jo Tussaud’ Jo Won-hee are together as the 3rd special coach on the 27th broadcast of JTBC’s final evaluation match. I’m going to get him to grab the belly button.

Ahn Jung-hwan draws attention with the words “I saw his eyes”, recalling the memory of Park Ji-sung’s roommate in the days of Terius.

He was a junior who was always comfortable, but when his status changed after joining Manchester United, his attitude toward his juniors naturally became polite. The scene is devastated with laughter at the appearance of Ahn Jung-hwan, who is accompanied by a reminiscent acting, recalling the time.

On the other hand, Jo Won-hee does not hesitate to speak at the level of revelation by sharing the fact that he experienced roommates with Lee Young-pyo, Park Ji-sung, and Ahn Jung-hwan.

Among them, Lee Young-pyo tells an anecdote that he was hesitant to eat at a table with him, saying, “I love to speak, so I am a Tomorch Talker.”

In addition, Park Ji-sung, who also wrote a shot of’Two Hearts’, vividly conveyed the daily life of Park Ji-sung, a neat man, and made the legends stick out their tongues.

When the legends, excited by the exciting story, asked who would they be roommates with if they go back to their youngest days, Jo Won-hee picks up an unexpected character. It is said that there was a reason for this, so I wonder who Jo Won-hee’s one-pick roommate would be.

On this day, Jo Won-hee shows off his unstoppable speech and makes a big success. In particular, Ahn Jung-hwan, who was not able to hear the respect for his senior Ahn Jung-hwan and a high-dansu praise skill that goes back and forth with fact bombardment, said “why did you come out?”

From the laughable low tide of roommate Park Ji-sung by Ahn Jung-hwan to the talk of Cho Won-hee, who will be reborn as a soccer-disclosure locomotive, on the 27th at 7:40 pm, JTBC’s’Combine to Chill’ can be found.

Hannah Kim reporter

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