Ahn Chul-soo proposes “opening the competition”… Kim Jong-in rejected “It’s not worth reading”


We will open the door with the news of the Seoul Mayor’s by-election. First of all, it is the opposition that is fighting fiercely over the unification of the candidate. Today (19th), CEO Ahn Chul-soo of the People’s Party proposed to the people’s strength to participate in the contest. He asked for the opening of the contest without entering the party. Chairman Kim Jong-in said, “It is not worth the work.

First, reporter Yuhan-wool.


CEO Ahn Cheol-soo, who expressed his will to unify the candidate, but was silent about the specific methodology.

I presented the way today.

[안철수/국민의당 대표 : 국민의힘 경선 플랫폼을 야권 전체에 개방해 주십시오. 야권 승리를 위한 게임 메이커가 돼 주십시오.]

He is asking for himself to participate in the race for the power of the people, which was culminated by registration yesterday.

However, the core of the proposal is to ask for participation while maintaining the nationalist party.

Instead, he said that he could accept that the power of the people took over the management of the contest, and asked to start working-level discussions right away.

As the discussion on unification was sluggish, it is interpreted as having thrown the number of wins and losses by handing the ball over to the people’s strength.

However, the response of the enlargement chairman Kim Jong-in was cold.

[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 우리 당 후보가 확정된 다음에, 그다음에 단일화라는 것이 이뤄질 수 있는 것이지 그전에는 무슨 단일화를 할 수가 없어요.]

On the phone with JTBC, Chairman Kim rejected Ahn’s proposal, writing harsh expressions such as “absurd proposal” and “not worth reading.”

Ho-young Joo is also in a negative position.

[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표 : 지금 안철수 대표는 본인에게 가장 유리한 조건을 제시하고 있는 것으로 보여집니다.]

In order to open the contest proposed by Ahn, the Party Constitution and Party Regulations must first be revised, but it seems difficult to proceed with the revision process as the reactions of both sides of the leadership are negative.

Accordingly, there is a possibility that the election of the Mayor of Seoul will be unified as the election of the Mayor of Seoul is imminent.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)
