Ahn Chul-soo “Open the National Power Competition”… Cool Jong-in Kim

In the midst of this, a new story came out in the opposition over the unification of the Mayor of Seoul. Ahn Cheol-soo, president of the National Assembly Party, suggested that he would not join the people’s strength, but would participate if the contest was opened. The power of the people reacted negatively.

This is Lee Hyun-young.


Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, proposed a surprise attack as the debate on unification of opposition powers sinks below the surface.

He is asking for outside party candidates to participate in the People’s Strength contest.

[안철수/국민의당 대표 : 국민의힘 경선 플랫폼을 야권 전체에 개방해주십시오. 기꺼이 참여하겠습니다.]

Although he does not join the people’s strength, it is a one-shot contest in which the opposition candidate Ahn wanted to participate in the contest.

The leadership of the people’s strength drew a line saying that it was intended to create a one-to-many composition that was favorable to President Ahn, and that the party candidate was decided first.

[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 그 사람(안철수 대표)은 국민의당 후보로 나오겠다는 거고 우리 당의 후보가 확정된 다음에, 그다음에 단일화라는 것이 이뤄질 수 있는 것이지….]

Jeong Jin-seok, chairman of the nomination management chairman, presupposed that it was a difficult problem to change the party rules, but left room for saying, “It provided a starting line for discussions on unification of candidates.”

Former Congressman Na Gyeong-won and former Mayor Oh Se-hoon, among others, have announced that they will comply with the party’s position, but are also watching the possibility of variables in the discussion on unification.

In addition, former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop, who is counted as one of the opposition runners, urged both parties to awaken that it is true that it is necessary to join forces, but if it is only buried in the discussion of the unification method, it is inevitable.
