Ahn Chul-soo appeals to the public “Please protect Yun Suk-yeol, who fights proudly”

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, is speaking at the Supreme Council's meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 4th.  News 1

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, is speaking at the Supreme Council’s meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 4th. News 1

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly, appealed to the public, saying, “Please protect Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who is fighting boldly in the face of all kinds of threats.”

Representative Ahn made such a statement through all remarks at the Supreme Council meeting held in the National Assembly on the 4th.

Representative Ahn mentioned the suspicion that LH employees were speculating on the planned site in the new city. He pointed out the so-called’completion of prosecution’ (complete deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate).

He continued, “I absolutely oppose the deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate the prosecution, who intends to destroy the Korean judicial system for the past 70 years only because of political interests and personal opinions. As you can see, it’s obvious.” On the previous day, during his visit to the Daegu High Prosecutors’ Office and the District Prosecutor’s Office, President Yoon said, “Completing corruption (completely spreading corruption)”.

Representative Ahn said to President Moon Jae-in, “If the prosecution hated so much, why did he ask President Yun to be strict with living power?” “What is the reason for pushing it?”

Representative Ahn appealed to the public to support him, saying, “To protect President Yoon is not to protect President Yoon,” he said, “supporting and protecting the majority of conscientious prosecutors who fight the injustice to prevent the investigation of corrupt power.” .

Reporter Na Unchae [email protected]
