Ahn Cheol-soo, wearing a red tie, appeared astonished by the power of the people… “Regime change”

Sehun Oh and Chulsoo Ahn receive applause

picture explanationSehun Oh and Chulsoo Ahn receive applause

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Ahn Cheol-soo, who promised to help the opposition victory after being eliminated from the Seoul Mayor’s Candidate Race, appeared in surprise at the National Power of Congress on the 24th.

The lawmakers welcomed Representative Ahn, who appeared wearing a red tie, the color of the People’s Power Party, with a standing applause. It was a tie he didn’t usually wear.

The expressions of representatives Ahn and the lawmakers holding hands and greeting were all bright.

In a greeting, Ho-young Joo said in a greeting, “Thanks to Ahn’s first decision and action, the market has changed.”

Representative Ahn replied, “I will do my best to help Candidate Se-Hoon Oh,” and said, “It is a promise to you and a promise to the citizens of Seoul.”

Regardless of the result of unification, Ahn said, “I want to achieve a regime change and change Korean politics with you.”

He also emphasized that “the people who opened their hearts to me and supported me this time are valuable assets of the regime change and a powerful driving force for the grand unification of the pan-optics”.

Candidate Oh, who became a single candidate for the opposition, responded, saying, “It is the political responsibility of me and Candidate Ahn to show the public an atmosphere of such a warm welcome.”

He also urged us not to let go of the tension, saying, “It is not an election that can be relieved by looking at the absolute figures,” in relation to the gap in the opinion poll with the Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun reaching 20 percentage points.

Representative Ahn’s participation in the meeting came to pass through the time when the emergency response committee chairman Kim Jong-in, who had established an angle with him, visited Gwangju and was away.

The official YouTube channel of the party also did not broadcast Eui-Chong, where Ahn was the main character.

On the other hand, CEO Ahn had a conversation with the former leadership of the Uichon National Power Park. Candidate Oh was also present at this position. It was the first time the two met after the results of the unified poll the day before were announced.

In a phone call with Candidate Oh the day before, Ahn accepted that he would serve as the chairman of the squadron committee, but did not attend the meeting of the squadron on the morning of that day.


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