Ahn Cheol-soo and Geum Tae-seop accept the proposal…野 Seoul Mayor Tournament Competition

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, held a press conference at the National Assembly on the morning of the 3rd and said he is in favor of the unification of the third zone candidate proposed by former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum.  [김호영 기자]

picture explanationAhn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, held a press conference at the National Assembly on the morning of the 3rd and said that he is in favor of the unification of the third zone candidate proposed by former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum. [김호영 기자]

The unification of the 3rd zone by Ahn Cheol-soo, former Congressman Geum Tae-seop, and the National Assembly representative was achieved. It is noteworthy that if the unification of opposition powers, which had been sluggish and repeated nerve wars, can have a minor effect on the power of the re-election final election if progress is made through the power of the people and the’two-track’ method of the third zone. The unification negotiations were made with a blitz proposal from Representative Geum Jeon, who once ate Hansot Rice with Representative Ahn. Rep. Geum Jeon, who officially declared a candidate for the mayor of Seoul on the 31st of last month, proposed to Ahn to unify the third zone as soon as he ran. It is evaluated that the early unification love call for the people’s strength was a difficult proposal to reject for Ahn, who suffered stagnant approval ratings after being blocked by the big mountain named Kim Jong-in of the People’s Strength Emergency Response Committee. Representative Ahn, who had to worry about a drop in approval ratings after being pushed out of the box office competition for a month in February, when a debate was held between candidates for the power of the people, was able to aim for its own convention effect through discussions with lawmakers and policy competition.

It is not bad for the people’s strength. As Chairman Kim has insisted on the election of candidates for the power of the first people and unification of the future opposition, he went all-in for a month in February, and the result of the first unification of Representative Ahn and former lawmakers in March. The atmosphere is mainly about having a bit of a tumult after being able to negotiate. On the 3rd, CEO Ahn held a press conference and said, “I would like to express my gratitude to Candidate Geum for making a difficult decision.” “Not only Candidate Gold, but also all the pan-opposition candidates who judge the Moon Jae-in regime and agree to the regime change gathered together for the first round I propose to achieve this.” It is interpreted as a means of accepting the proposal of the Monetary Council and expanding the area of ​​the 3rd zone to block the possibility of being pushed by the public power of the contest. However, it is highly likely that the two people will become unified, saying, “The unification of the candidate for the third zone is not fresh. It is not attractive,” and “I do not intend to engage in such a discussion,” said Jo Jung-hoon, the representative of the transition to the era.

Representative Ahn emphasized that after the unification of the third zone, the unification with the candidate for the people’s strength must be achieved. However, even in the midst of that, he emphasized that he has an upper hand. He said, “If we are the preliminary group A for the unification of the pan-opposition candidates, the people’s strength will be the preliminary group B.” When asked about the meaning of Group A and Group B, they self-promote as “I can’t tell you that there is a big meaning, but the Ligni A League, which includes me who is the most advanced in terms of suitability and competitiveness for opposition candidates.” Rep. Geum Jeon, who successfully unified the 3rd zone, said at a video press conference that afternoon, “I thought it was the most reasonable alternative to giving citizens a choice to choose a good market for the overall victory of the opposition.”

There was also a number of battles to preempt the box office effect by holding a candidate debate before the people’s strength. Rep. Geum Jeon suggested, “Let’s not meet before the Lunar New Year (as CEO Ahn said), but rather have a debate once before the Lunar New Year,” which is a week ahead of the People’s Power Candidate Debate starting on the 16th. Rep. Jeong Jin-seok, who is in charge of the People’s Power Nomination Committee, said, “After completing the ongoing candidate election process by the People’s Power of the 1st opposition party, the final opposition candidate will be unified between the People’s Power candidate and the unified candidate in the third zone. “I saw a perfect consensus that it must be achieved in the first place,” he said. “I am telling you that the equation for unifying the opposition, which was considered only complex, has become much simpler and clearer.” At the same time, he explained that Chairman Kim, who had been cold to CEO Ahn so far, also responded positively. Meanwhile, the Justice Party decided on a policy of no nomination for the re-election of Seoul and Busan mayors. Chief Spokesman Jeong Ho-jin said, “The sexual harassment incident of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol caused great concern to the public.”

[박인혜 기자 / 박제완 기자 / 최예빈 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
