Against the business world… Public institution labor director system enforced-Maeil Economy

Chairman Sung-Hyun Moon

picture explanationChairman Sung-Hyun Moon

Social consensus on the introduction of a labor director system in which workers participate in management in public institutions has passed the main committee of the Economic and Social Labor Committee (Kyung Sa No-wi, Chairman Moon Sung-hyun). The management community was concerned that the labor director system of public institutions would spread to the private sector, so all the members expressed their opposition, but to no avail. Sergeant Nowi is a social dialogue organization directly under the President.

On the 23rd, Kyong-no-wi announced on the 23rd that it had decided on six agendas, including’Agreement for Sustainable Development of Public Institutions (Public Agency Agreement)’ at the main committee held in writing on the 19th.

As matters that have passed the main committee’s resolution are legally obligated to implement, the labor and management can urge the National Assembly and the government to implement the agreement. The public institution labor director system is a system that allows workers to participate in the management of public institutions through the board of directors. However, in the resolution of this main committee, 4 of the 18 members on the employer’s side gave a’unconsent’ opinion on the agenda of the public agency agreement. “The employers’ commissioners seem to be indefinite because they are concerned that the introduction of the labor director system in public institutions may lead to the introduction of the labor director system in private companies, and the intensification of labor-management conflicts in confrontational labor-management relations will incur social costs.” Eventually, despite the opposition from the management, it is expected that the labor director system of public institutions will be passed and will be implemented.

Even small and medium-sized businesses and small businesses without a labor union have also laid the foundation for a worker representative system that can demand and negotiate an improvement in working conditions with the management by directly selecting worker representatives.

[이지용 기자 / 조성호 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
