After losing 1 billion of Jo Young-gu’s stock, get insurance… 900 million death guarantee

'Chondangpo' Jo Young-gu Shin Jae-eun / Photo = SBS Plus

‘Chondangpo’ Jo Young-gu Shin Jae-eun / Photo = SBS Plus

Broadcaster Jo Young-gu confessed that he lost 1 billion won in stock.

Jo Young-gu, who appeared on SBS Plus”Jeondangpo’, aired on the 23rd, revealed the reason for becoming’Sandolyi’.

When he said, “I could run the boiler 365 days even if I didn’t have stock alone,” Jo Young-koo confessed that “about 1 billion shares were blown away.”

His wife, Shin Jae-eun, pointed out, “You just have to do what you want and don’t throw money, but it looks dull because you can use all the money and save change with stocks.”

Young-gu Jo said, “I collected the money and paid for the middle of the apartment, but one day I got 600 million won in rent for two apartments. I didn’t know what to do. He explained.

“Other people make good money easily, but why did I want to do this, and I put in 600 million won. I sold another apartment because I ran out of stock.”

Jo Young-gu regretted, “Because I was crazy about stocks, my wife cried and ejaculated when I stopped.”

Following that, Jo Young-gu said he was paying 4.92 million won as a monthly premium. He said, “When I pay a lot, I pay up to 25 million won. Since it expires, it has come down to 5 million won. I purchased insurance with the money in my bankbook in order not to use stock.”

Jo Young-gu’s death guarantee is about 850 million won. Heo Jun said, “It’s a good insurance. Only Jo Young-gu doesn’t have to live too long,” he said.

My wife, Shin Jae-eun, trembled, saying, “I can’t manage my expression well. I keep laughing even if I try not to laugh.”

Reporter Kim Ye-rang and [email protected]

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