After giving up the entire nation…Small businesses with more than 400 million in sales were’selected’ and paid the 4th disaster support?… Namki Hong “Reviewing plans to include”

“It should be prudent to give subsidies to all the people.”

As the 4th disaster support fund, which had been struggling with universality and selection, is drawing attention to the target and the amount of money, deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance paid the 4th disaster support fund to small businesses with'sales exceeding 400 million won'. It was confirmed on the 16th that it was reviewing the plan. [사진=연합 제공]
As the 4th disaster support fund, which had been struggling with universality and selection, is drawing attention to the target and the amount of money, deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance paid the 4th disaster support fund to small businesses with’sales exceeding 400 million won’. It was confirmed on the 16th that it was reviewing the plan. [사진=연합 제공]

[오늘경제 = 김하나 기자]

The Moon Jae-in administration is considering a plan to broaden the target of the 4th disaster support payment.

As the 4th disaster support fund, which had been struggling with universality and selection, is drawing attention to the target and the amount of money, deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance paid the 4th disaster support fund to small businesses with’sales exceeding 400 million won’. It announced on the 16th that it is considering a plan.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said in the report on the work of the Planning and Finance Committee of the National Assembly. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “We have provided support funds for less than 400 million won in sales (in the future), but we are considering additionally including those who suffer even if sales exceed 400 million won.”

In fact, controversy is expected as the government has expressed a willingness to support’thicker and wider’ in order to boost domestic demand as well as business owners in industries that are struggling to make a living by being pushed to the edge due to the government’s business restrictions or bans for quarantine. .

Disaster subsidies for the entire population, which are highly controversial, have been postponed in the future, and a policy has been set in the direction of selectively paying the sectors that have suffered damage due to reinforcement of social distancing, which is a compulsory measure by the government. It is read as a means of applying to’small business owners’ worth more than 400 million won.

However, as a result, the opposition is expected to revolt because it is a remark that contradicts the existing arguments of Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki, who opposes the payment of the entire public because of fiscal soundness, saying,’Fiscal is not a fire and water’.

At this meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “I will closely examine how far the blind spot will be covered,” as to whether to add street vendors or platform workers to the support target if the number of workers is 5-6 or more.

He said, “We are intensively reviewing plans to provide additional support to the victims of the damage, and we are working with the goal of submitting the first supplementary budget to the National Assembly in early March.”

Regarding the size of the supplementary administration, he said, “Because it is being reviewed, it would not be appropriate to say,” and when asked if it could exceed 30 trillion won, he drew a line saying, “The media seems to have a lot of speculation.”

Rep. Choo Gyeong-ho’s question on the national disaster support fund said, “I see it as a matter to be considered taking into account all the quarantine, economic, economic recovery, and financial situation.” “My personal opinion is that giving subsidies to all the people should be cautious. “I will.”

Regarding the issue of extending the maturity of loans for small business owners and self-employed persons, he said, “If the quarantine problem is not clearly controlled, we should review it to alleviate such difficulties.”

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party also pressed the fiscal authorities, saying, “The blind spot should be minimized,” through a high-ranking party administration council the day before. “Specially employed workers such as street vendors and platform workers, self-employed people who have closed their business, and new merchants will have to be discussed.” There is a bar.

Today’s economy

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