After entering career information, career development path is recommended through big data analysis

[세종=뉴스핌] Reporter Jeong Seong-hoon = The Human Resources Development Service of Korea announced on the 31st that it will start a’job competency-based personal career development recommendation service’ from the 1st of next month.

The’Job Competency-Based Individual Career Development Recommendation Service’ recommends job-centered career development paths through the analysis of National Competency Standards (NCS) big data when the individual enters the education, training, qualifications, experience, or career details completed by the individual. It is a service that does.

Customers who wish to use the service can use the’Integrated Job Competency Portfolio’ on my page of the NCS website (homepage).

NCS website big data information collection system [자료=산업인력공단] 2021.01.30 [email protected]

In order to implement this service, the Corporation carried out the’NCS Big Data Improvement Project’ from June to December last year. Data collected from HRDnet, Secunet, and Worknet were redesigned based on NCS competency units. In addition, the NCS website has been improved to increase user convenience.

It also opened a forum for public debate, such as adding a comment function to NCS Wiki. The forum for public opinion is a space where anyone can freely share opinions by setting some of the opinions received on NCS Wiki as an open agenda.

In addition, major design changes were made for user convenience, and a dedicated page for accurate NCS and blind recruitment information process was newly established for job seekers.

Chairman Kim Dong-man said, “This service will be a catalyst for a competency-centered society as it can set the career development path for each citizen and refer to the career development of others,” he said. “The NCS website has been continuously improved to meet the needs of the people. We will build the service,” he said.

[email protected]
