African BJ Tomatoes who ordered 4 sets of mineral water at a time and got a’door frame’ at the door

InsightAfrican TV’Tomato’

[인사이트] Reporter Jeon Hyeong-ju = BJ Tomato is known to have been stuck in the house after ordering 4 bundles of 1 liter bottled water at once.

The courier driver stacked four bottles of water in order in front of the entrance, so the door did not open.

On the 4th, Tomato reported this situation through Africa TV.

He said, “I haven’t seen the courier driver, but what did I do wrong?”


InsightAfrica TV’Fresh Tomato

Tomato has also attached a picture to this article. In the photo, you can see some of the four 1ℓ bundles of exploration water stacked in sequence.

1ℓ of exploration water is sold in bundles from 6 to 24. If calculated as 1kg per liter, it is estimated that the courier driver alone carried a bundle of bottled water from as little as 24kg to as much as 96kg.

The comments and responses to this article were mostly criticized for tomatoes. Bad comments such as “I’m considering ordering only two bottles of mineral water” and “Is this to feed the courier driver on purpose?”

Insight / Photo = InsightMaterials to help understand the article Photo / Photo = Insight

However, some viewers said, “Tomatoes lacked consideration, but they did not act to be criticized.” The courier driver was also timidly revenge, so it was a case that could be laughed off.

It was not yesterday and today that the delivery of bottled water was a problem. In the past, it was controversial when a woman ordered 168 bottles of mineral water at a time at a house on the fourth floor.

In the repeated controversy, it is pointed out that new countermeasures are needed, not simply as a conflict between the delivery driver and the consumer. Online, how to receive additional courier costs depending on the weight is being discussed.
