Added 23 million vaccines… Full-scale vaccination from Pfizer April

The government has purchased an additional 23 million copies of Pfizer and NovaVax vaccine. As a result, the total volume secured so far is 79 million people. In particular, the Pfizer vaccine will be given first to medical staff next month, and from April it is expected that more people will get it.

Reporter Park Soo-jin on the report.


Additional vaccines secured by the government were 3 million Pfizer and 20 million NovaVax.

The total number of Pfizer vaccines is 13 million, including the existing 10 million people that were supposed to be introduced in the third quarter of this year.

The government decided to advance the introduction schedule to receive 500,000 people at the end of next month and 3 million people in the second quarter.

Among the Pfizer vaccines, the first 58,000 people who come through COVAX at the beginning of next month will be the Corona 19 medical staff, and the 500,000 people who will arrive at the end of next month will most likely be hit by medical institutions and pharmacies according to the vaccination order.

SK Bioscience is already consigning production of 20 million NovaVax in Korea.

Unlike Pfizer, video can be stored and distributed at 2 to 8 degrees, so it is possible to visit the elderly or severely handicapped.

The quarantine authorities believe that NovaVax vaccination will only be available after the second quarter.

Therefore, we plan to maintain the current vaccination schedule for most of the AstraZeneca vaccine until next month, except for the elderly.

[정경실/질병관리청 예방접종관리반장 : (아스트라제네카 추가 임상 결과) 만약에 (고령층) 접종 이 어려운 것으로 판단이 된다면 3월 이후에 들어오는 화이자 백신이라든지 모더나, 얀센 백신 같은 다른 백신을 활용하는 방안도 (검토하겠습니다.)]

The quarantine authorities explained that this year, 68-year-old Moon Jae-in is expected to get the vaccine from May to June depending on the vaccination ranking.
