“According to the regulations of the son of a nautical nautical couple, he couldn’t be called a prince in the first place.”

The Times disputes Markle bomb remarks with royal decree

“Princes and Princesses, even the children of William, the eldest son of Prince Charles,”

If the queen changes the edict or becomes Charles, she may be crowned prince.

Meghan Markle (center) and Prince Harry (right) holding their son Arch (left) in September 2019[EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

Meghan Markle (center) and Prince Harry (right) holding their son Arch (left) in September 2019[EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Hong Joon-seok = There are reports that the son Archie, who was born between Prince Harry of England and her spouse Meghan Markle, could not be called a prince in the first place, even if he did not take’skin color’ as an issue.

The British Daily The Times reported on the 8th (local time) that two different points were found in what Markle said in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey, a famous broadcaster aired on CBS in the United States the day before.

In 1917, King George V, then King of England, issued a royal decree stating that the king’s great-grandson would only give the title of’Prince’ to the first son of the prince’s eldest son.

Queen Elizabeth II revised the edict in December 2012, and from that time on, all the children of the prince’s eldest son can be called princes or princesses.

Regardless of the edict, Archie is the son of Prince Harry, the second son of Prince Charles, and therefore cannot be given the title of prince in the first place.

However, the newspaper reported that’in theory’, if Queen Elizabeth II dies and Prince Charles is crowned, Archie, who becomes the king’s grandson, will be able to receive the title of the prince.

There is also the possibility of revising the edict once again so that Queen Elizabeth II can give all her great-grandchildren the titles of princes and princesses.

On the other hand, Markle accepted that Archie’s failure to be recognized as a prince was the result of racism.

When he gave birth to Arch in May 2019, he argued in an interview the day before that “concerns and conversations went back and forth over how dark the skin would be,” and “they (the royal family) did not want to make him a prince.”

Also, Markle mentioned that his son Archie was not receiving royal guards because he was not recognized as a prince.

However, in the British royal family, even though they are princes or princesses, they often do not receive official royal protection, the newspaper said.

For example, Prince Andrew (Duke of York)’s two daughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie are not escorted by the London Police Department.

The newspaper pointed out that it was Prince Harry and his wife who did not want Archie to be given the title of’Count Dumberton’.

According to the newspaper, Prince Harry, like Princess Anne, preferred not to give honors to his children, and gave his son an ordinary name,’Arch Harrison Mountbaton-Windsor’.

British Prince Harry (left) and spouse Meghan Markle (right) interviewing Oprah Winfrey on the 7th (local time)[AFP=연합뉴스]

British Prince Harry (left) and spouse Meghan Markle (right) interviewing Oprah Winfrey on the 7th (local time)[AFP=연합뉴스]

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