A’big-price’ apartment complex… Injury of the `Smart One` fever

[사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진 = 연합뉴스]

In the subscription market last year, it was found that the largest number of subscribers gathered in a large complex with over 1,000 households. In the midst of a fever that is becoming more important to the continuing real estate regulation, the demands are crowded into a great complex that is expected to serve as a driving force for the upward trend of the surrounding market in the future.

According to Real Today data on the 7th, a total of 395 new apartments (27,4429 households) sold across the country last year, with 421,5369 people applying. The total number of subscribers increased by 111% and 80% from 2018 (346, 210,690 households, 199,6252) and 2019 (399, 275,1534, and 234,4889), respectively.

Among them, a total of 168,1888 (40% of total subscribers) received a total of 168,1888 (40% of the total subscribers) in 76 large complexes (12,7368 households) with more than 1,000 households, and it was found that the largest number of subscribers came. Following ▲ 141,8498 people (34%) in 500 or more to 1,000 households (137 places, 101274 households) ▲ 1,111,4983 people (26%) less than 500 households (182 places, 46,8787 households) It was counted.

[자료 = 리얼투데이]

picture explanation[자료 = 리얼투데이]

The investment value seems to have played a part in the large number of subscribers in the large complex. Looking at the increase rate of apartment sales price by size over the past five years (2016-2020), the increase rate of apartment sales prices showed a strong trend as the number of households increased.

The increase in the sale price of apartments with more than 1500 households was the highest with an average of 11.44% over five years, followed by apartments with 1,000 to 1499 households or more with 9.40%. ▲700~999 households (7.93%) ▲500~699 households (7.42%) ▲300~499 households (6.75%) ▲less than 300 households (6.96%), respectively, respectively, but it did not reach the rate of increase in apartments in large complexes of 1,000 or more. .

Even in the amount scheduled for sale this year, there are quite a few large complexes with more than 1,000 households. Looking at the status of new pre-sale plans by size, there are 119 large complexes with more than 1000 households (21,640 households), 142 more than 500 households and less than 1000 households (10,5642 households), and 141 places with less than 500 households (38,329 households) in order. As such, large complexes with 1,000 or more households account for 59.85% of the total number of households.

Representative workplaces include’ePyunhansesang Yeongjong International City Centum Venue’ in Yeongjong International City, Incheon (1409 units of 84·98㎡),’Forena Suwon Jangan’ in Hajang-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (1063 units of 64·84㎡), Sejong City 6-3 Living Area H2·3 Block’Sejong Richencia Familie’ (1350 units of 59~112㎡ exclusively),’Raemian Forestage’ in Oncheon 4 district, Dongnae-gu, Busan (general sales of 2331 units of 49~132㎡) for exclusive use of total 4043 units Etc.

Real Today CEO Kim Un-cheol said, “The large complex with 1,000 units or more has limited supply by region, so the scarcity value is high in terms of supply. The phenomenon of confusion is expected to continue this year,” he said.

[조성신 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
