“A virus emerged from the hot air” infected 122 people at cricket factories

On the 16th, a feeling of silence is flowing at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler in Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Chungnam.  The quarantine authorities said that there were a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases at the factory.  yunhap news

On the 16th, a feeling of silence is flowing at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler in Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Chungnam. The quarantine authorities said that there were a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases at the factory. yunhap news

“Three-tight environment such as sealing of changing rooms and rest rooms”

Factory changing rooms, baths, and rest rooms were typical 3 mils (dense, close, closed) environments. The building was also a large container structure, so natural ventilation was difficult.

“Operation of a hot air fan in a close, airtight, and dense environment”

This is the site condition of a cricket boiler factory in Asan, Chungcheongnam-do, which was investigated by quarantine authorities such as Chungnam Province and Asan City. According to the quarantine authorities, the number of confirmed coronavirus infections (Corona 19) related to the boiler plant reached 122 as of 10 am on the 17th. Among them, 106 employees at the boiler plant and 16 family members and acquaintances.

In this factory, on the 13th, an employee in his 20s (patient 850 in Cheonan) visited a screening clinic for fever symptoms and was confirmed as a result. After 3 days, the number of confirmed cases exceeded 100.

Virus detection in factory F building hot air blower

As a result of the quarantine authorities collecting and analyzing environmental samples from 16 plant-related facilities, the corona 19 virus was detected in six. Among the five buildings of the Asan plant, the virus came out of the F building’s common changing room sofas, beverage vending machines, and conference room tables.

Most of the 98 confirmed employees are workers in Building F. The changing room in Building F, the bathhouse, the rest room, and the office were found to be a typical 3-room (close, dense, closed) environment. The building was in the form of a large container, and natural ventilation was not possible, and the quarantine authorities explained that the changing rooms and lounges were also sealed with plastic windows. In addition, it was found that some workers neglected to wear masks during work.

A virus was also detected in the air heater in the F building office. The quarantine authorities believe that employees may have been exposed to the virus spread by the wind from a hot air in a building with poor ventilation facilities.

A feeling of silence is flowing at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler in Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Chungnam.  The quarantine authorities said that there were a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases at the factory.  yunhap news

A feeling of silence is flowing at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler in Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Chungnam. The quarantine authorities said that there were a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases at the factory. yunhap news

It was found that employees ate in groups in this environment. The cafeteria had partitions, but 50 to 100 people faced each other to eat. Yang Seung-jo, the Chungnam Governor, said, “It seems that a group infection occurred when employees ate together in a poorly ventilated place or shared a three-room environment such as changing rooms, baths, and rest rooms.” I hope you wear a mask except when you are chewing food or drinking beverages.”

“Employees’ family members will also be thoroughly tested”

The quarantine authorities believe that there is a possibility that confirmed employees may have visited their hometown during the Lunar New Year holiday and spread Corona 19, and will conduct a full inspection of the employees’ families. An official from Asan City said, “I know that most of the employees of the boiler factory have been to their hometown during the Lunar New Year holidays.” “It is true that the first confirmed person in their 20s in Cheonan was tested, but it is not known who among the factory workers is the source of infection.”

Employees are being tested for Corona 19 at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler.  yunhap news

Employees are being tested for Corona 19 at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler. yunhap news

Chungnam-do has decided that there will be more places in a vulnerable environment, such as a cricket boiler factory, so that business sites with more than 100 employees in the province will be inspected during this week.

A total of 641 employees are employed at the factory of the cricket boiler in Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si. The factory produces upside down condensing boilers and upside down high fin boilers.

Among them, 205 people work in Building F, the shipping/assembly process line. The remaining workers in building A were 122 workers, Building B 1245, Building C 96, Building D 94, and Building F 205. 51 foreign workers are also working.

Asan = Reporter Kim Bang-hyun [email protected]
