A tax like a random check… 98% of tax accountants “Can’t work because of frequent legal amendments”

“Whenever real estate measures come out, the tax laws change. Even national tax officials can’t answer properly.” “I’m a tax agent, but I can’t understand the tax laws. I’m thinking of returning my license as a tax accountant.” (A tax accountant)

“The tax policy view is too narrow. I cannot erase the thought that the government is changing tax laws in retaliation for failure in real estate policy. It’s like a car driven by someone without a license.” (Tax Accountant B)

Even tax experts have appealed to the current government’s’Ragged Tax Law’ that they will not be able to comply with the law.

On the 15th, Maeil Economic Daily conducted a survey of 205 tax accountants registered with the Korean Taxation Association from December 24 last year to January 11 this year. As a result, 98.5% said, “There is a difficulty in tax affairs due to the government tax laws that change from time to time. “He said.

Tax accountants are a group of front-line experts between tax law and the people. The appeal that even these people will not keep up with the pace of the tax law change is evidence that the national confusion over taxation has grown that much. The only major tax law changes that were revised by the National Assembly and the government last year, which will take effect after this year, have reached 42 locations in the real estate, finance, and public life sectors.

Regarding the administration of the government tax system, tax accountants responded violently, saying “there are no experts.” Tax accountants who gave F credits for the government taxation were the most at 44.3%. Low credits such as C (17.2%), D (16.1%), and E (14.6%) were followed. Problems commonly pointed out by tax accountants are summarized as: △The speed of law change is so fast that confusion is intensifying in the field △The use of tax for political purposes has significantly reduced legal stability.

◆ How to change according to the direction of policy

84% of tax accountants cited capital gains tax as a representative problem tax item. Compared to the comprehensive real estate tax (9.8%), the inheritance/gift tax (1%), and the comprehensive income tax (1%), there were overwhelmingly more responses that there was a problem. The current government changed its real estate policy 25 times, and the tax law related to the transfer tax was revised five times. Among the tax laws applied this year, six different areas were changed, including the period of non-taxation of one house for one household and an increase in the tax rate for holders of less than two years.

As the situation was like this, even the new term’Yangpo tax (a tax accountant who gave up the transfer tax consultation)’ appeared. C tax accountant said, “The government has made the tax law rags,” and said, “Because I could get involved in a lawsuit for tens of thousands of won after having wrongly consulted about earning hundreds of thousands of won, I haven’t received any consultation on transfer tax at all. After all, it is the people who face the headwind. This is because the situation has become inaccessible even when looking for a tax accountant who is an expert in the random check tax law. The tax laws, as well as regulations related to real estate such as loans and subscriptions, change from time to time, and the public must have all the rules of thumb to buy and sell a house worth more than 900 million won.

◆ 90% “increased national tax burden”

Some pointed out that the current government’s emphasis on “fair taxation” is an increase. When the government asked for the evaluation of claiming that the publicly announced price and the increase in the highest income tax rate are fair taxation, 85% of tax accountants replied, “In fact, an increase in taxation”.

90.2% of tax accountants agreed that the current government has increased the tax burden felt by the people. Tax accountant D said, “It seems that the current regime is seeing a majority of the people as potential criminals,” and said, “It is taxed inconsistently for political purposes.”

The majority (91.2%) responded that the tax principle of’wide tax sources, low tax rate’ was not observed. With government spending on the rise due to Corona 19 and the like, more than half (58.5%) of tax accountants agreed that future tax revenues should make efforts to clean up the tax blind spot.

E tax accountant said, “The government is making high taxes on tax sources that are difficult to deal with, such as real estate, and the pain of the middle class is getting worse.” said.

[김정환 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
