‘A scary uncle who looks after Iljin’ Many teens scared and raped in their 40s

View of Chuncheon District Court. [사진=연합뉴스]

picture explanationView of Chuncheon District Court. [사진=연합뉴스]

A man in his 40s who raped a majority of his teens on the basis of his friendship with Iljin of the school was sentenced to a heavy sentence of 20 years in prison. This man was recognized by the students as a’scary uncle who looked after Iljin’, and through this, he used sexual exploitation.

The Seoul High Court Chuncheon 1st Criminal Division (presiding judge Park Jae-woo) announced on the 21st that he sentenced him to 20 years in prison in an appeal trial by Mr. A (44), who was charged with violating the Sexual Protection Act on Children and Adolescents. The sentence was higher than the first trial sentenced earlier to 15 years in prison. The court also ordered the disclosure of personal information for 10 years and restrictions on employment in institutions related to children and youth and facilities for the disabled for 10 years.

Mr. A was handed over to trial on charges of sexual assault on a majority of teens. He frightened him by making an acquaintance with Mr. B (17), who matches Iljin, and asked for sex in return, saying, “I will protect you.” I got to know Ms. B through Facebook messenger, and made a friendship by providing cigarettes, money, and food.

Most of them targeted students who were bullied by Iljin. Mr. A enticed Mr. C (13), who was bullied after performing an errand for Mr. B in February, and forced him to have sex, saying, “I am the only one who can solve the troubles.” In the same month, Ms. D, 13, was also brought to the motel and raped. At that time, it was revealed that Ms. B also participated in the crime, making Ms. D angry and scared.

With this method, Mr. A committed sex crimes against 11 students. In addition, I used a mobile phone to shoot sex videos for silence.

The judge said, “It was possible to protect from the Iljin students and requested sex in return.” “If the victims stay hidden or avoid contact, the crime is very bad, such as mobilizing Iljin students to put them under their control and then repeat the crime. “He said.

Meanwhile, Ms. B, who participated in the crime, was sent to the juvenile department at the first trial in August last year.

[춘천 = 이상헌 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
