A really surprising news came about the father of singer CL, a’global physicist’

In 2015, Lee Gi-jin, a professor of physics at Sogang University, who was the public relations ambassador of the World Science Summit at the time, is holding a stamp book for the World Science Summit commemorating the World Science Summit, made with his own drawings. / Provided by the Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication

Singer CL / CL Instagram

Lee Ki-jin (62), a professor of physics at Sogang University, said that Huawei had handed out a blank check but rejected it on the condition that he passed the development of his own blood-free blood glucose measurement.

Professor Lee is a physicist who is also known as the father of singer CL, who was the leader of girl group 2NE1. Prof. Lee, renowned enough to publish his thesis in the world-renowned scientific journal’Nature’, is also a famous author and illustrator who has written about 10 books, including children’s books, painting essays, and physics books for the general public.

In an interview with Chosun Biz on the 6th, he said, “We developed a technology that can measure blood sugar levels without drawing blood, but a proposal came from Huawei, China. It was said that they provided the full amount of research funds necessary for commercialization. It was frankly shaken because the government support was cut off,” he said. I refused and decided to complete it with Korean products.

According to Professor Lee and Sogang University, in November last year, Huawei directly contacted Professor Lee and made a proposal to’commercialize our product through technology transfer, as we will provide full support for research expenses in the future’. Chosun Biz said that they asked for a reply by writing down the message.

The research team led by Professor Lee developed a technology that measures blood sugar without drawing blood using’microwaves’ last month, published in’Nature’s sister magazine’Scientific Report’ and is applying for a patent.

The method that Professor Lee developed measures blood sugar by shooting microwaves instead of lasers into blood vessels under the skin. Chosun Biz reported that Professor Lee’s research team succeeded in measuring blood sugar with precision enough to be commercialized recently, 15 years after the research began.
