A netizen who reported’reporting’ GD for violating quarantine rules in a photo of dating rumors saying that he was smoking’tusk + cigarette’


[인사이트] Reporter Kim Nam-ha = The news that Black Pink Jenny and Big Bang G-Dragon are in love is drawing attention.

In the midst of this, a netizen made a problem with G-Dragon’s clothing and smoking in the photo of a devotee, and reported it to the quarantine authorities.

On the 24th, an online community posted a post stating that he reported G-Dragon’s’Tuxk’.

Author A wrote, “In today’s dispatch, at the time when it was mandatory to wear a mask due to Corona 19, we released a picture that is believed to have captured G-Dragon smoking on the street.”


InsightCDC page capture

In fact, in the photos of Dispatch’s dating rumors released that day, G-Dragon is smoking a cigarette while walking the street with a mask on his chin. It has not been confirmed that the place is a smoking place.

Mr. A said, “Because it was judged to be a sufficiently controversial picture, I immediately reported it to the city of Seoul as a suspicion of violating the quarantine rules.”

At the same time, I uploaded a picture of the page of the civil petition sent to Seoul.

He uploaded the picture, saying, “The quarantine authorities are classified as’favorite food in the case of cigarettes and are considered an exception to the order to wear a mask when smoking because it is classified as food intake. “I mean poetry,” he said.

InsightCDC page capture

He said, “When smoking, it is desirable not to communicate with other people at a distance of 2m or more, and you should wear a mask before and after smoking.”

Mr. A raised his voice, saying, “In Seoul, please carefully understand the place where G-Dragon smoked and the situation at the time, and if any violations of the quarantine regulations are confirmed, please take care of it.

Meanwhile, according to reports, G-Dragon and Jenny have been dating for the first year.

The two mainly dated in a luxury villa in Hannam-dong where G-Dragon lives. It is reported that Jenny has also told her mother about her love affair with G-Dragon.
