“A lot of things will be proved” The tank that Seung-hee struck Oh My Girl, revealed the contents of the conversation

Contents of KakaoTalk conversation posted on Tank YouTube on the 25th

Tank claiming not to be one-sided stalking

Producer Tank (Ahn Jin-woong) released Kakao Talk, which is believed to be a conversation with Oh My Girl Seung-hee (Hyun Seung-hee).

Seunghee Instagram
Below YouTube’TANK_KPOP’

On the 25th, the tank posted a post titled’I’ll reveal the content of the talk’ on YouTube. In the video, I could only see the text written in the notepad without any sound.

The notepad says, “I should never interfere with your dating… But I’m sorry if I don’t have it right now, but I’m so painful that I can’t live.” It’s like a magical medicine that doesn’t have anything.

“Separately, I really love you so much now. Because you were the first person to say I love you. You were the first person to hug me. You were the first to cry. So I want to make you laugh. But no matter how much I think about it, my existence is from today. I think it will make you so unhappy, and in conclusion, I am so afraid that you will abandon me.”

After that, the contents of the Kakao Talk conversation between the tank and the person saved as “Beautiful Eyes Seung-hee (Seung-hee)” continued. When the tank said, “Please take your birthday present on the refrigerator,” Seung-hee said, “Please pay back. I’ll wait. And that gift will be given to you by your own, and you’ve lived for a long time. I’ll look bored even to that look,” he said.

Tank said, “You’re already shivering. What do you want to tremble again?” Seunghee explained, “If your brother really appreciates me and loves me so much, run as fast as I can and talk about me in the award speech.” Then he said, “Don’t get too far from me because I’m a medicine.” When the tank asked, “How do you find you when you’re dating,” Seunghee replied, “What does it have to do with dating. It’s ridiculous. This is separate.”

In the next conversation, Tank said that he had ruined Seung-hee’s relationship. Seunghee sent a message saying, “You did that. It wasn’t my fault, it was my choice. It’s my decision. It’s not anyone’s fault.”

Tank said in a YouTube post, “I hope this talk will prove a lot of things. Firstly, I am not a stalker, secondly, I am not a story made of my own delusions, and thirdly, the terrible bad comments due to your misunderstanding In the end, it’s just a smear on your own face.”

On the 8th, Tank posted on the same YouTube channel’Sooni / [Diss Track] ‘TANK-Suni’ uploaded a video and shot Seung-hee.

On the same day as the controversy grew, Seunghee’s management company WM Entertainment said, “We want to clarify that Seunghee is currently a victim of malicious harassment from a tank.” In addition, he said, “We are proceeding with all legal measures in civil and criminal matters, including the spread of false information, threats, and infringement of personal rights, and we will respond strictly with the best possible measures without any agreement or preemptive action in the future.”

The following is the full text of WM Entertainment’s position.


Hi. This is WM Entertainment.

We apologize to the fans who are concerned about causing concern over issues related to our artist, Seung-hee.

Seunghee and composer Tank are between seniors and juniors in Korea as well as seniors in the industry. Seunghee wants to clarify that he is currently a victim of malicious harassment by tanks.

1. On December 7, 2020, the tank sent a message to Seung-hee and her high school alumni, who had been seniors and juniors, saying that they will make extreme choices in a few minutes, along with their will, and that they have a sword on their desk. I sent it.

Seunghee thought that it was a signal to try extreme choices because the tank had an unstable mentality, and he called an acquaintance who worked with him and explained the situation with the mind that he had to save a life. My acquaintance immediately called the police and reported it.

2. Seung-hee, who went to the field with her acquaintance, cheered him on, thinking that the tank might try to make an extreme choice again, meaning that you are a person who can be loved enough by anyone. This was Seunghee’s pure effort to stop his extreme attempts.

3. After this incident, the tank started excessive obsession with sending psychiatric records on the grounds that it had saved himself from death. He was mentally pressured by a psychiatrist at the hospital where he was treated, saying that Seung-hee was a medicine for him, and asked his friend to help him heal in the future. In addition, he sent a message of obsession, giving the word’love’ an excessive meaning that was different from the real one, and led to a situation of unilateral courtship.

4. When his feelings were not accepted, the tank trembled by sending a threatening message through the media saying that he would soon make an extreme choice, and that Seunghee would be forever memorable in the whole world.

6. In the end, for about 3 months from December 7 to the present, Seung-hee complained of a serious panic disorder that he couldn’t handle the schedule normally in excruciating mind, pain, and anxiety. I stopped contacting me because I decided that I couldn’t.

7. After that, the tank posted videos and photos containing obvious false facts that distorted the truth on his social media and YouTube.

We decided that even though our artist, Seung-hee, was a victim, we could no longer condone the tank, which had distorted the truth and used Seung-hee’s good heart to continue harassing them, even though he was a victim.

In addition, he was found to have been harassing not only Seunghee, but also acquaintances and other artists by sending videos and messages that routinely hint at extreme choices and appeal to mental distress.

Accordingly, we are proceeding with all legal measures in civil and criminal matters, including the spread of false information, threats, and infringement of personal rights, and will respond strictly with the best possible measures without any agreement or preemptive action in the future.

Reporter Chang Cheol-wan

[email protected]

