A hero growing through solidarity: OCN drama

Combination of exorcist and hero,’counter’

<보이스>, <구해줘>, <터널>, <타인은 지옥이다> Etc. OCN dramas have been targeting the enthusiasts by producing specific genres such as mystery, thriller, and horror. Although it was not widely recognized by the public due to its wide audience or high audience ratings, OCN works with unprecedented and unstoppable directing and unusual stories have been well received for broadening the genre of Korean dramas. Meanwhile, the modifier’not popular’, such as a dark and horror atmosphere, violent, and sensational scenes, used to follow. In that sense, <경이로운 소문>Is a work attracting attention because it played an important role in breaking the static image of OCN.<경이로운 소문>Was the first OCN drama to break the record of double-digit viewership.)

Until now, there have been many stories of seeing ghosts or defeating demons in Korean dramas. Even in OCN <빙의>, <처용>, <작은 신의 아이들>, <손the guest>She has shown mainly horror and thriller dramas. These dramas centered around the story of an exorcist who has the ability to see ghosts or who can defeat them. The exorcism story consists of a special character appearing as an exorcist and demonstrating his liberation ability by calming down evil spirits or releasing resentment. Or, as the main key to solving the case of a labyrinth, the ability of an exorcist to pretend to be a ghost is used. drama <경이로운 소문>In that it defeats evil spirits, it shares the same story with the story of exorcism. But <경이로운 소문>In Esau, there are differences from the story of an exorcist who defeats the existing ghosts (demons).

<경이로운 소문>There are five characters who escape from the heavenly world, Jung and catch demons hiding in human bodies. Each of them is an exorcist in that they fight evil spirits that go around the human world and do evil through their own superpowers. In addition, it is similar to the grim reaper in that it does not end with simply eradicating evil spirits, but summons souls possessed by evil spirits to the celestial jung. <경이로운 소문>The point to note in is that the activities of the five psychics do not stop at combating evil spirits. The five superpowers, given the role of extinction of evil spirits, run a noodle shop, are CEOs of companies, or are high school students, and are living in the real world. And they live with humans who are worse than demons. <경이로운 소문>In Es, the demons prefer humans with ugly desires, and can gain more power by them. Therefore, it is not far from the real world that the five psychics who have been chosen from the heavenly world fight evil spirits. Only by correcting the order of the world from the ugly humans who do evil to satisfy their desires, can the demons be completely destroyed.

In this drama, the five superpowers are both exorcists who deal with unrealistic beings and demons, but they are also heroes who punish the wicked in the absurd real world. therefore <경이로운 소문>Gave five people a new name,’Counter’. The counter is a character that has the ability to respond perfectly to the opponent’s strategy in the game. <경이로운 소문>The demon does not stay with constant strength and characteristics, but constantly upgrades itself. In reality, it is the same for the wicked to use their wealth and power to devise strategies to their advantage. Therefore, in order to deal with evil spirits or evil people, you need the counter’s counter-action strategy ability.

Source: OCN'Wonderful Rumors' Drama
Source: OCN’s’Wonderful Rumors’ website

The Chosen One, what to bear

<경이로운 소문>In Es, the counter is special in that it can go back and forth between the real world and the celestial world, and is given special abilities and can exert powers that humans do not have. They are also special in that they are beings chosen by the heavenly Jung. Counters are people who were in a coma, and were chosen by Jung, and regained life. On the verge of death, after agreeing to act as counters, they gain the power to exercise their superpowers and return to the ground. <경이로운 소문>Except for rumors (Cho Byeong-gyu), each counter has a sad story in the past, and due to an event leading to death, the counters were in coma. The condition of becoming a counter is not clearly indicated, but what they have in common is that they have good will or have strong humanity. Gamo-tak (Yoo Joon-sang), a former policeman who took a risk to uncover the truth, Do Hana (Kim Se-jeong), who lives with a feeling of guilty that he survived alone among the family who chose to commit suicide due to economic poverty, and Chu Mae-ok (Yom Hye-ran) who has a strong motherhood for his son ), and Rumor (Cho Byeong-gyu), who first left his parents in a mysterious car accident and grew up as a warm child with the love of his grandparents. They all have a past stained with scars, but they are not selfish figures who blame others or fall in love with others. They are people who are injured or in trouble because they have a big mind to think about others. Therefore, the counters had an open mind and attitude to compromise and coordinate with others toward the same purpose. (Dohana, who refused to share a tragic family history, also opens herself little by little and begins to escape from the wounds.)

<경이로운 소문>The counters were given by Jung with superpowers that fit their personal stories and characteristics. Gamo-tak, a former policeman who faced the corrupt forces, has strong powers, and Dohana, who is entangled in memories of his family, has excellent psychometric skills. Chu Mae-ok, who had to witness the death of his son, is a capable person who heals the injured person. No particular story was introduced, but Choi Jang-mul (Ahn Seok-hwan) has the economic ability to meet the funds needed by counters in the real world. Finally, among counters, Jung’s Wigen specifically selected it, Rumor has the ability to summon the land of Jung, which can maximize the counter’s stats. <경이로운 소문>The psychic powers given to the counters in are accomplished within several important conditions. Their superpowers should not be used by ordinary humans other than demons, and they should not use their superpowers to intervene in the real world. Superpowers are abilities that humans cannot have and are more than reality. The counter, which is active in the real world of the earth and the unreal world of the heavenly Jung, needs the ability to control his abilities according to the situation and the opponent. The counter’s special abilities, even for good results, can be another power for the average person. This is also to prevent subjective judgment or choice based on the counter’s personal feelings. finally <경이로운 소문>In order to properly use their abilities, counters must go through the process of self-discipline and discipline. <경이로운 소문>In the counter, when you join forces with the members, you can use your maximum ability to defeat strong demons of level 3 or higher. Therefore, counter’s self-training process is more than personal reflection.

Source: OCN's Wonderful Rumors' Drama
Source: OCN’s’wonderful rumors’ homepage

Super power

<경이로운 소문>Is clearly a fantasy story about a hero who has super powers and catches a demon (wicked person). It depicts unrealistic worlds and abilities such as the heavenly Jung, who is involved in the order of the earth, and the heavenly one with the authority to select counters and summon demons. <경이로운 소문>This fascinating thing is the counter’s superpower to confront evil spirits, and it comes from the excitement of defeating the corrupt real world villains. But <경이로운 소문>In the drama, various points are discovered as it progresses to the latter half of the drama. One of them is the title of the drama <경이로운 소문>It is related to’Rumor’, a character closely related to. Rumors are different from other counters who were chosen after being in a coma, and Jung was chosen after spending a normal day. Rumors weren’t just coma, his life wasn’t normal. He survived the murder of his parents at a young age, disguised as a car accident. The wound caused rumors to experience aphasia and left a disability in one leg. He grew up to be a just and warm child with the love of his grandparents, but rumors say he had to endure the violence of a school controlled by those with power. Therefore, rumors appear to be legitimate enough to respond to school violence perpetrators or punish them using their early, stronger abilities to obtain counter qualifications. This is also meaningful in that he showed counter’s ability on the side of weak friends who were harassed by the perpetrators. But I went one step further and the drama <경이로운 소문>Thrives rumors in a variety of situations in which one’s own emotions may be involved due to personal stories. Rumors say that anger explodes in an unreasonable situation in front of his eyes, and he uses his ability to call Jung’s land, and he acts separately from the members. Eventually, rumors are disqualified from counters for failing to control or restrain their emotions.

<경이로운 소문>The reason why the rumor that had been disqualified from the counter was returned to the counter again is that he began to realize the meaning of what situations he should use his abilities under. In order to capture Jicheongsin (Hongnae Lee) who became the complete body of evil, the ability of rumors, that is, the ability of the counter to call the land of Jung, is required. As you experience the process of counter deprivation/recovery, you learn that the rumor is that calling Jung’s land is not an emotion of anger or revenge, but an earnest and sincere heart that wants to save someone. <경이로운 소문>It also contains a growth narrative in that rumors depict the process of controlling one’s emotions and finding meaning in one’s role. However, this drama is not focused solely on the growth of high school student rumors. The process of figuring out how to properly use each other’s abilities for each wounded counter is not just for rumors. To be used in the most appropriate and legitimate way for those with weak counter powers, each member needs the strength to understand and accept each other. So <경이로운 소문>Is a story about combating evil spirits and a drama that contains a hope for a world where true heroes exist.

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