A film director married to a 35-year-old step-daughter… Another 7-year-old step-daughter is molested

Woody Allen (left) and Soon-yi Previn/Photo = Yonhap News AFP

Woody Allen (left) and Soon-yi Previn/Photo = Yonhap News AFP

U.S. cable channel HBO unveiled a four-part documentary about filmmaker Woody Allen (86) sexually assaulting her 7-year-old daughter. “No,” he refuted.

On the 22nd (local time), Alan and Soon said in a statement, “Documentary makers are not interested in the truth. As it has been known for decades, the allegation of sexual harassment is obviously false.” , It doesn’t change the facts.”

The documentary they mentioned is HBO’s four-part documentary’Alan vs. Farrow’, which aired on the 21st. The documentary highlights allegations that Alan molested her foster daughter, Dylan Farrow. This documentary raises allegations of sexual abuse of Alan through testimonies from people around Dylan, including Mia Farrow, and court documents and archived videos. In the first episode, Dylan testifies that “I was always in his grasp, he always hunted me.”

Previously, director Allen was suspicious of harassing Dylan, an adopted daughter, in 1992, after living with Mia Farrow (76), who once lived together for 12 years. Dylan, who became an adult in 2014, revealed that he had been molested by Alan in 1992 when he was 7 years old. The same is true of this HBO documentary.

Mia Farrow in the movie'The Great Gatsby (1974)' starring Robert Redford.  I played as the female protagonist, Daisy.

Mia Farrow in the movie’The Great Gatsby (1974)’ starring Robert Redford. I played as the female protagonist, Daisy.

This documentary was another foster daughter of Alan, but the relationship with Soon-i, who is now his wife, was also highlighted. In 1992, Alan revealed that she had a romantic relationship with Soon-i, a 21-year-old college student who was Mia’s adopted child. After that, Alan divorced Farrow and married Soon-i in 1997. Director Alan is 35 years older than Soon.

After the divorce, Alan and Farrow stood in court over the custody of their adopted children, including their sons Ronan and Dylan, and the court raised Farrow’s hand. After that, Alan hadn’t met his children for years. Dylan, as well as his real son, Ronan, also followed the mother’s surname. Dylan is currently an actor and Ronan is a journalist.

Soon-i, who married Alan, was born in Korea under the name’Oh Soon-hee’, but was abandoned and sent to an orphanage before being adopted by Farrow. Unlike Dylan’s claim that Alan was sexually molested in a press interview in the past, Soon-yi also claimed that Farrow, who had adopted her, abused her. However, the documentary also contains speculation that Director Alan had sex from the time Soon-i was 16 years old.

Allen has been investigated in the past for molesting Dylan, but has never been publicly charged. There was a time when the controversy grew when the prosecutor who was interrogating Alan said, “The evidence (that the harassment is true) is substantial, but I will not prosecute.” Alan claims that his ex-wife was brainwashed by injecting fake memories into Dylan in order to revenge after learning about the affair between him and Soon-yi.

After the documentary was aired, director Alan and Soon Yi argued through a spokesperson that “this documentary is slanderous and obviously false.” Meanwhile, Alan is a filmmaker who has gained popularity as a New York sensibility film that contains sharp humor that satirizes mainstream society. Farrow appeared as the female protagonist Daisy in the 1974 film’The Great Gatsby’. Recently, he has spoken out on American politics and society through various media.

Seongsu Bae, reporter of Hankyung.com [email protected]
