It is necessary to secure linkage between policies and technologies to share energy at the community level beyond the building level.
Ki-pyeong Ee held the Tech Forum for’Innovation Plan in Building Energy Sector for Carbon Neutrality in 2050′
Ki-pyeong Ee held the Tech Forum for’Innovation Plan in Building Energy Sector for Carbon Neutrality in 2050′

[에너지데일리 변국영 기자] It was suggested that in order to achieve carbon neutrality in the building sector, a comprehensive plan at the national level should be prepared.
On the 12th of the past, the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation invited experts from various fields to hold a public video conference on the subject of’Innovation Plan in Building Energy Sector for Carbon Neutrality in 2050′.
At this meeting, Lee Seong-ho, head of Egi-pyeong, said, “When electrification proceeds, the amount of electricity consumption increases. It is necessary,” he said, “because both the basic local government with the authority to permit buildings and the metropolitan local government with the authority to establish a metropolitan city plan must play a role in energy independence and carbon-neutral city construction, the state must prepare a comprehensive plan for this.” Emphasized.
In the video conference, various opinions on building energy savings were expressed. Lee Seung-eon, a senior research fellow at the Korea Institute of Construction Technology, suggested the introduction of an energy sharing management system for each division, such as the grid edge, as well as expanding the supply of new and renewable energy under the theme of’The future of building energy for 2050 carbon neutrality and countermeasures of major overseas countries.
Choi Jun-young, a senior researcher at the Korea Testing Institute, introduced the heat pump technology as a solution for cooling and heating buildings for a carbon-neutral society. The heat pump technology is expected to become a convergence and hybrid technology with new and renewable energy in the future, and presented solar and thermal complex systems, demand and supply forecasting technology for building energy management, and IoT data management technology.
LG Electronics’ responsibility Lee Jung-won emphasized the electrification of building energy necessary for carbon neutrality. “It is necessary to cooperate closely with the government and the private sector in preparation for the increase in power demand.” It is necessary to supplement the related system to be included in the renewable energy category.”
“It is necessary to develop and disseminate innovative low-carbon technologies, and in addition to securing acceptance, a fair and reliable performance verification system is important,” said Park Deok-joon, head of the Korea Institute of Construction and Living Environment. In addition, it is necessary to secure connectivity between technologies.”
Young-soo Jang, a professor at Kookmin University, said, “To achieve carbon neutrality, the supply of zero-energy buildings and urban-level new and renewable energy networks is essential.” It is necessary to establish a dissemination strategy.”
Professor Kim Eui-gyeong of Incheon National University said, “It is important to apply measures to existing buildings and to solve problems that arise when converting from the use of individual combustion devices to electrification.” It was suggested that remodeling should be promoted, the implementation of mandatory zero-energy construction of new buildings, and strengthening of cooperation with the central government and local governments.”
Meanwhile, Director Lim Chun-taek said in his opening remark, “In the building sector, in addition to power generation, transportation, and industry, it is necessary to take innovative measures in four areas of greenhouse gas emission. Ventilation prevention and building solar power generation should be properly added to the technology,” he emphasized.
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