A comedian who was asked “Are you a man or a woman?”

InsightChannel A, SKY’Afflicted Couple Who Wants to Get Hot Again’

[뉴시스] Reporter Lee Su-ji = Comedian Kim Hye-seon confesses the second wave on the way to study in Germany in Channel A and Sky TV’s entertainment program’A Couple Wanting to Get Hot Again.

On the 15th at 10 pm on the air at 10 pm, Kim Hye-seon and German husband Stefan Gigel and his wife appear as the first international couple in the history of a quick tour to show off a strange couple.

Kim Hye-seon, who appeared as a client of’Quick Interview’ in the broadcast, said, “I acted a lot of masculine characters at the time, but I wasn’t really that personality.” Confusing came as I continued,” he confesses to the internal conflict that he experienced at the time.

He said, “I got a lot of questions about’Is it a man or a woman?’… it was difficult, so I had depression in the middle.”


InsightChannel A, SKY’Afflicted Couple Who Wants to Get Hot Again’

Kim Hye-sun also conveys her gratitude for her husband Stefan, whom she met in Germany. “To be honest, I’d run away to Germany,” he said. “But while meeting my husband in Germany, I thought I could go back to Korea and start broadcasting.”

While working as an urban ecology expert in Germany, her husband, Stefan, overcame a long-distance relationship of 8415 km and married Kim Hye-seon in 2018.

Stefan, who greeted him in poor Korean, saying “German Stefan,” appears wearing a pink couple tee with Kim Hye-sun.

Kim Hye-sun said, “It seems that my husband loves other people,” and “I smile when I hear the person’s name, and I watch that person’s SNS all day long.”

InsightChannel A, SKY’Struggling couple who want to get hot again

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