A cat struck by an arrow’giggles’… What is the penalty for chat rooms?

An accusation was filed against an anonymous chat room that brutally abused a street cat and spread its photos and videos. There were also posts in this chat room that encouraged more abuse, and this can be punishable for doing just that.

Shin Jung-eun is a reporter.


The cat writhes in agony as he kicks the cramped capture frame.

The cat struck by the arrow is bleeding and falling down.

These are the photos and videos uploaded to the anonymous chat room of KakaoTalk called’Cat Room N’

Their conversations are full of hatred for the street cat.

In five days, more than 200,000 people agreed to a national petition denouncing this chat room.

[조희경/동물자유연대 대표 : 조직적으로 학대를 아무렇지도 않게 묘사하면서 서로 주거니 받거니 하는 다른 사례에 비해 ‘굉장히 위험하고 너무 끔찍했다’라는 표현 외에는 할 수 없을 정도로….]

The police applied for a warrant and began to identify the participants in the chat room.

Participants even shouted, “The chat record has been erased” and “I’m thrilled that I won’t be punished.”

Not only direct abuse, but also uploading and sharing abuse videos is a violation of the Animal Protection Act.

If you incite abuse, you can be punished for aiding.

[변주은 변호사/법무법인 파란 : (동물 학대를) 자극한다거나 다음 행동으로 나아가게 한다든지 칭찬한다든지 그런 발언들이 방조범으로 볼 수 있는 여지가 (있습니다.)]

In the chat room, it was argued that only wild animals were hunted, but animals that can be hunted are strictly restricted by law, and wild animal abuse is also subject to punishment.

(Video coverage: Yong Yong Lee and Duwon Yang, video editing: Mira Yu)
