A brave daughter-in-law caught a voice phishing criminal, it turned out to be actor Kim Young-ho’s younger brother

Actor Kim Young-ho.  Photo|Star Today DB

picture explanationActor Kim Young-ho. Photo|Star Today DB

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자]

When her mother-in-law was voice phishing, her brave daughter-in-law caught on a motorcycle after chasing, became the younger sister of actor Kim Young-ho (54).

According to the Boeun Police Station in Chungbuk on the 11th, a Chinese voice phishing gang member who tried to steal the bankbook of an elderly man in his 80s on the 9th was caught after a family chase. The daughter-in-law, who wondered how her mother-in-law received an unclear phone call and put the bankbook in the mailbox, sensed that it was a voice phishing.

As soon as the daughter-in-law caught the man after 10 minutes of pursuit, he took the bankbook first.

This bankbook contained 13 million won of money collected by her mother-in-law.

The man fled again after throwing off his daughter-in-law’s hand, but the husband and relatives joined in on the opposite side of the truck and captured the man who was running away. The man was reported and handed over to the police.

The police arrested the voice phishing party A (Chinese, 30-year-old) on charges of theft.

On the 12th, the incident that became a hot topic with’the brave daughter-in-law who caught the mother-in-law’s voice phishing criminal’ caught attention once again on the 12th. According to a broadcast that day, this daughter-in-law was the younger brother of actor Kim Young-ho.

In an interview, Kim Young-ho said, “I saw the news and it was amazing, but the name was my younger brother’s name. When I called and asked, I was surprised to say that he was himself.”

On the other hand, Kim Young-ho, who has shown bold acting with a masculine appearance, is appearing in MBC’s daily drama’Become a Rice’.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
