A 50-year-old Yeouido apartment was neglected for fear of the house price being upset

“Even though residents living in 50-year-old Yeouido apartments are threatened with safety, the government is delaying the maintenance business because they are afraid that the house price will be upset. It is frustrating whether they have to wear a headband (to protest).”

In an interview with the Korea Economic Daily on the 8th, Chae Hyun-il, the head of Yeongdeungpo-gu (pictured), said in an interview with the Korea Economic Daily, “We must make a winning decision on the Yeouido apartment maintenance project, which is directly linked to the residents’ right to live and safety.”

Of the 16 apartments in Yeouido-dong (91 buildings, 8086 households), 14 complexes are rated D or lower in the detailed safety examination. The Yeouido trial apartments completed in 1971, the Sambu (1975), and the Plaza (1978) apartments were all D-class, and the cotton apartments completed in 1977 received the lowest grade E (defective) recently. Reconstruction can be promoted because it has been proven that’the structure of the building is not safe’ if it is rated D or lower in the detailed safety examination. However, the reconstruction of Yeouido has been completely withheld because the Seoul Metropolitan Government announced the’Yeouido Master Plan (Integrated Development Plan)’ in 2018 because it encourages an increase in house prices.

Although the government recently announced a public housing complex project focusing on station areas, semi-industrial areas, and low-rise residential areas, Chae-gu emphasized that there is a need for improvement measures for residential areas where residents’ safety is threatened by aging.

He emphasized that “green matter appears in old apartments, various facilities are deteriorated, and neighboring schools and parks are also in a poor environment because they do not invest in reconstruction,” he said. . He then argued that “Yeouido should be transformed into a city of the future by taking advantage of its political, financial, and transportation-oriented status.”

Regarding semi-industrial areas where small and medium-sized factories such as Yeongdeungpo-dong, Munrae-dong, and Yangpyeong-dong are concentrated, it was expected that “the development project will begin in earnest from this year.” The area of ​​the Yeongdeungpo semi-industrial area is 5.03㎢, accounting for 25% of the total semi-industrial area in Seoul. “The government’s semi-industrial area maintenance project is in progress for the supply of housing in the city,” said Chae Gu. “The picture is being drawn in the direction of a’tweezer-type small-scale urban regeneration project’ by incorporating cultural traditions by region.” .

He emphasized that the deteriorated area around Yeongdeungpo Station will be completely transformed into a residential complex by 2027-2028. This is because the district’s long-awaited project, Yeongdeungpo Station’s Zipchang Village and Jipchang Village, was confirmed last year.

In particular, Chae-gu emphasized that the improvement project in the village will become a standard model for’inclusive residential welfare’. Mayor Chae-gu said, “The past’Yongsan District 4’situation should not recur as a push-up development project. The Yeongdeungpo Jeokbangchon project provides permanent housing to existing residents and installs convenience facilities for local residents such as national and public kindergartens and libraries. “We have created a new public housing development model.”

Mayor Chae said that in the future, Yeongdeungpo’s new growth engine will be found in’culture’. Next year, a complex cultural space will be created on the site of the presidential mill, and the 2nd Sejong Center for the Performing Arts will be completed in 2025, making it a’cultural city’. He said, “It is the only Seoul autonomous region designated as a preliminary cultural city.” “I will start working on urban development projects.”

Reporter Sujeong Ha/Jungcheol Bae [email protected]

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