A 13-year-old girl’s immature lie, a history teacher called to beheaded

Students at the Conplan Saint-Tornolin School, where Samuel Pati, 47, worked, commemorate his death on October 17 last year. Conflang Saint Tonolin = AP Yonhap News

An impatient lie trying to escape the troubles of the moment caused a terrible tragedy. It was belatedly revealed that the beheading case of a French history teacher that shocked the world last year came from a word made up by a 13-year-old girl who was suspended from school for frequent absences.

According to the British Guardian on the 8th (local time), French police authorities recently secured a statement that the student lied about the teacher Samuel Party, who was murdered by Islamic extremists. It was even confirmed that this student did not even attend classes at the party.

Here is the whole story of the incident reconstructed by foreign media. The party, who was a teacher at the Conplan Saint-Tonorin Middle School near Paris, was teaching on freedom of expression in October last year. He mentioned the terrorist incident in which 12 people were killed by shooting. At the same time, I was going to show this criticism in class the next day, but I could be shocked, so Muslim students said they could close their eyes or go out in the hallway.

This student did not appear in class this day. This is because he was absent frequently and had already been suspended from school. The student, who was afraid of being scolded by his father, falsely accused him of being unable to go to school after protesting against the teacher who showed a satirical review of Muhammad based on the contents of the class he had heard from his friend.

The enraged father went to school the next day to protest and sue the police for the party. The party’s name and contact information were also disclosed on Facebook. The post spread to social media and caught the eye of Abdullah Anzorov, an Islamic fundamentalist from Chechen, and the party was brutally murdered by Anzorov a few days later.

This is consistent with the party’s arguments during his lifetime. The party stated in a police investigation four days before the murder that “the child of the parent who sued me was not in the classroom at the time.”

The student, who had been silent for a long time after the incident, confessed the truth only after hearing the fact that other students had stated to the police that the party had not forcibly expelled Muslim students. The student cried at the court saying “I didn’t know it would be like this,” but it was too late to regret.

Park Ji-young reporter

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