A 12-year-old Korean boy investor who also paid attention to foreign media… “43% profit from fear”

Input 2021.02.10 15:24

A 12-year-old Korean boy living in Jeju Island has been a hot topic since last year with 43% of profits from stock investment, Reuters reported on the 9th (local time).

Kwon Jun is monitoring stock market changes at a house in Jeju Island. /Reuters Yonhap News

According to Reuters, the boy named Kwon Joon dreams of becoming like Warren Buffett, an American billionaire investor. In April of last year, Kwon begged his mother to open a stock account with 25 million won of seed money he had collected. “Because I believed in an expert who said it was an opportunity in 10 years (on TV),” she persuaded her parents earnestly.

At the time, the KOSPI index had fallen the most in 10 years, and then it was just beginning to recover. Kwon made a list of stocks he was interested in during his time at home due to the closure of school for Corona 19 last year. Various stocks were included, from Kakao to Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motors. It is explained that the net profit alone raised 13 to 14 million won while implementing this.

Reuters noted that new investors such as Kwon Gun have emerged as individual investors in Korea amid the Corona 19 pandemic. Thanks to the expansion of the group of investors to teens or younger, the so-called ants, which were less than 50% of the total stock trading price in Korea in 2019, have recently become a big force that dominates two-thirds.

Reuters analyzed that the unemployment rate is high, and it is difficult to find rewarding and creative work even after receiving a university education, and the younger generation is jumping into stocks.

Kwon is also broadcasting a YouTube stock under the name’Juni Man’. Reuters said that Kwon expressed his ambition, “Rather than attending a good school like Seoul National University, I want to succeed as an investor and do a lot of charity work.”

It was found that about 70% of Kiwoom Securities’ minor stock accounts were opened after January 2020.
