9 ways to lose weight without exercising


What’s the best way to lose weight? It is true to eat less and exercise more. That’s right, but not everyone can practice it. This is especially true if exercise is limited because of health problems, not just a dimension of will. For example, when a part of the body is injured, when you have arthritis or fibromyalgia, when a disease can cause your blood sugar to be dangerously low during exercise.

Exercise boosts your metabolism, allowing your body to burn calories more efficiently. If you don’t exercise, your metabolism is likely to slow down. But what if you have to lose weight when you inevitably cannot exercise? It requires careful planning, but there is a way. The US current affairs magazine’US News and World Report’ introduced 9 ways to lose weight without exercising.

It takes a long time to lose weight without exercising. But it’s not bad to fall out slowly. You can avoid the yo-yo phenomenon caused by rapid weight loss. Therefore, it is desirable to set a long-term goal rather than a weekly weight goal. For example, aiming to lose 10% of your weight in 3-6 months. In the early stages of the diet, you can lose weight slightly faster due to a decrease in water and muscle mass other than fat, so take this into account.

1. Be patient

Even when you can exercise, it is difficult to lose weight in a limited amount of time. If you can’t move, it will take longer and can lead to setbacks.

2. Change the bowl

Replace the dishes and dishes used for meals with smaller ones. Use a little air for rice, and a small plate for salads with grains and protein.

3. Reduce the amount

When you go to the restaurant, eat half the food and don’t hesitate to pack the leftovers.

4. Focus on eating

When eating, it’s easy to overeat if you don’t focus on what you eat. Remove your cell phone when eating. Chewing slowly is another way to focus on your meal. This way, you’ll know when you’re really full.

5. Eat fiber

If you eat fiber, the feeling of fullness lasts a long time. The recommended daily amount of fiber is 25g for women and 38g for men. One cup of black beans contains 15 grams and one cup of broccoli contains 5 grams of fiber.

6. Drink water

Drinking a lot of water while eating foods rich in fiber. A successful combination to lose weight. Stop drinking sodas that contain sugar and drink water.

7. Eat more protein

Foods rich in protein provide energy to the body. It is recommended to consume 25~30g per meal. Health experts tell you to increase your protein intake when dieting.

8. Get more sleep

Proper sleep helps regulate the hormones associated with hunger. When you lack sleep, your body often signals that you are hungry. Lack of sleep also increases the amount of cortisol, a stress-related hormone. Usually adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day.

9. Eat healthy snacks

Prepare healthy snacks to avoid the trap of potato chips and cookies. Cut cucumbers and carrots for snacks in the refrigerator to make them easier to eat, and place a fruit bowl in the visible place.

Even if you can’t do full-fledged exercise, moving even a little is beneficial for your health. Get up and walk around every few minutes, stop using digital, such as making a Zoom call, and take a break. If you have trouble using your legs, try increasing your physical activity by using dumbbells for upper body exercise.

Reporter Bohyun Lee [email protected]

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