8 things you need to know about a hangover


A hangover is an intoxication that does not wake up until the next day after drinking. Due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the number of people drinking at home is increasing.

Drinking alone, that is, drinking alone, can lead to heavy drinking. If you get drunk without your knowledge, you may suffer from a hangover the next day. In this regard,’Web MD’ introduced eight things you need to know about hangovers.

1. Reduces immunity

Excessive drinking stimulates the central nervous system to create chemicals in the brain, causing headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea. In and out of the bathroom, it may eventually lead to dehydration.

It is a reward that comes the next day in exchange for drinking. Headache, fatigue, thirst, nausea, etc., as if the head is broken, can lead to a decrease in the immune system, so it is not a phenomenon to be considered as a big deal.

2. Women are more disadvantaged

If men and women drank the same amount of alcohol, women are more likely to suffer from hangovers. Men have more body fluids than women, so it works to dilute alcohol. This means that after drinking the same amount of alcohol, women’s blood contains more alcohol than men.

3. It occurs even if you drink less

It varies from person to person, but drinking a little alcohol can lead to headaches and other hangover symptoms the next day. Drink water while drinking, or try non-alcoholic drinks in between. By keeping the right amount of water in the blood, you can reduce the accumulation of alcohol.

4. Eating before drinking

Eating something before bed while already drinking doesn’t help at all. Although food helps the body to absorb alcohol slowly, eating it before bed will only increase belly fat.

Eating fatty foods such as steak or pizza before drinking can alleviate hangovers to some extent. Drinking water before bed is good.

5. What is the effect of painkillers?

Over-the-counter pain relievers usually work for about 4 hours. Therefore, even if you take painkillers while you sleep, it is difficult to prevent headaches until you wake up the next day.

Rather, it is better to sleep and wake up to take it. However, it is not recommended to take pain relievers containing acetaminophen after drinking alcohol. This is because it can cause liver damage.

6. What is the effect of sea surgery?

It is a rumor to treat a hangover from alcohol the previous night with alcohol the next morning. Rather, it only prolongs the hangover. In general, the worst symptom of a hangover is when the alcohol level in the blood drops to zero.

If you are served with other drinks in the morning, it is the worst. If you always think,’I must get rid of my hangover with a haejang surgery’, you should suspect alcoholism.

7. What is the coffee effect?

There are many people who wake up in the morning and try to relieve a hangover with morning coffee. However, drinking a lot of coffee can cause dehydration more quickly, making hangovers worse.

It’s best to drink water or sports drinks the next day after you’re drunk to replace lost body electrolytes and prevent dehydration. Drinking water is the most important thing, especially if you have vomited from a hangover.

8. Hangover is a symptom of alcoholism

Mental confusion, vomiting, and severe headaches may simply be considered part of a hangover after drinking. However, if someone vomits and loses mind frequently after drinking heavily, it is likely that alcoholism has caused serious damage to the brain and immune system.

Alcoholism is life threatening. If you are obsessive about alcohol and are drinking without worrying about a hangover, you should consult with an alcoholism specialist.

Reporter Kwon Soon-il [email protected]

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