8 foods containing vitamin D that boost immunity?

Vitamin D acute respiratory disease lowered by 58%
Rich in eggs, salmon, tuna, mushrooms, milk, etc.

△ It was found that foods such as egg yolk and salmon contain a lot of vitamin D, which enhances immunity. (Photo = Food and Beverage Newspaper DB)
△ It was found that foods such as egg yolk and salmon contain a lot of vitamin D, which enhances immunity. (Photo = Food and Beverage Newspaper DB)

Egg yolk, salmon, and canned tuna have been shown to increase vitamin D levels to increase immunity and help prevent infectious diseases.

According to the Korea Food Communication Forum on the 18th, the US health website Verywell Health titled’How To Boost Your Vitamin D Levels During Cold and Flu Season’. In an article on the 11th of the article, eight vitamin D supplements that help prevent respiratory diseases such as Corona 19, flu, and cold were selected and announced.

Vitamin D contains’vitamin’ in its name, but strictly speaking, it is a hormone. Unlike other major nutrients, your body can make vitamin D directly. When your skin is exposed to the sun for a long time, your body synthesizes vitamin D.

In a study of more than 14,000 people, people with low levels of vitamin D in the blood had a 58% higher risk of developing acute respiratory disease than people with high levels of vitamin D. A recent study found that people with vitamin D deficiency are more sensitive to the deadly’cytokine storm’ of Corona 19.

A research paper has also been published indicating that vitamin D deficiency is associated with the severity of Corona 19. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with an increased risk of depression, fractures and fatigue.

The vitamin D supply foods selected by’Berry Well Health’ are eggs, salmon, and tuna.

Eggs are rich in vitamin D in their yolks. More vitamin D is in eggs laid by hens raised in the yard and given plenty of sunlight. Studies have shown that the vitamin D3 content of egg yolks raised outdoors was 3 to 4 times higher than that of hens raised indoors.

Oily fish such as salmon contain vitamin D as well as omega-3 fats such as DHA. Canned tuna is also a food that can consume vitamin D. Milk, which is known as the’king of calcium’, also contains vitamin D, vitamin A, and protein. Beef liver is also an excellent supply of vitamin D, folic acid (a type of vitamin B group) and protein. Among plant foods, mushrooms are rich in vitamin D. Mushrooms, mushrooms exposed to the sun’s UV rays, contain vitamin D.

Barrywell Health added that there is also a way to supplement vitamin D by ingesting orange juice and cereal fortified with vitamin D.

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