74-year-old Terminator,’strong word’ after being vaccinated

Arnold Schwarzenegger (74), an elder star in Hollywood, USA, famous for the movie’Terminator’ series, left a strong word to fans after being vaccinated against Corona 19.

On the 21st (local time), according to a Hollywood reporter, an American entertainment media, Schwarzenegger visited a parking lot at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles (LA), which was transformed into a’drive-through’ corona vaccination center, and was vaccinated.The scene was shot and posted on his social media. It.

Schwarzenegger, born in 1947, with white hair and eyebrows, was vaccinated on his right shoulder, with a short-sleeved T-shirt rolled up when it was his turn.

Los Angeles County, which has more than 1 million people with coronavirus cumulative infections, has begun vaccinating seniors 65 years of age or older starting on the 20th.

After the vaccination, Schwarzenegger said, “Today was a good day. I was very happy waiting in line for the vaccination.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger calling for corona vaccination (Photo = Schwarzenegger Twitter capture, Yonhap News)

In the meantime, he cited the line from the movie’Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ (1991) and asked fans to get the vaccine, saying, “Come with me if you want to live.”

He then emphasized, “If you are eligible for vaccination, register and get the vaccine like me.”

‘If you want to live… The ambassador reassured Connor, who was terrified when Schwarzenegger’s Terminator T-800 met Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the mother of the resistance leader.

In’Terminator 2′, Schwarzenegger appeared in the role of a combat robot sent to the past by future resistance troops to help John Connor, a rebel leader of his childhood, against the plot of’Skynet’ to annihilate humanity.

(Photo = Schwarzenegger Twitter capture, Yonhap News)
