In a situation where vaccination was slow due to lack of vaccine, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increased rapidly, and the government, which became urgent, pulled out a free diagnostic test card for the whole country.
At a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters presiding at the Jeonbuk Provincial Office on the 7th, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said, “In the future, free tests will be expanded so that anyone can receive the Corona 19 diagnostic test for free regardless of social distancing stages or symptoms at all public health centers across the country. I will do it.” It is interpreted as a stepping out of the desperate need to stop entering the ‘4th fashion’.
In the meantime, the Corona 19 diagnostic test was available at screening clinics prepared in each local public health center or at temporary screening test centers at major base locations. At screening clinics, corona19 diagnostic tests were conducted centering on those with symptoms or epidemiological associations. On the other hand, the temporary screening laboratory was able to receive diagnostic tests for free if he wanted, regardless of symptoms or epidemiological associations. However, most of these temporary screening tests are concentrated in the metropolitan area, so in non-metropolitan areas, the problem of not being able to receive the corona19 diagnostic test often occurs if there are no symptoms. The government expects access to tests to increase through the expansion of free diagnostic tests. According to the Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Daebon), the number of new confirmed cases at 0 o’clock on this day was 668, the highest in 89 days since January 8, when 674 new cases were recorded.
Meanwhile, controversy over the formation of blood clots in the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine, which was mainly introduced in Korea, has resurfaced. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not yet reached a final conclusion and said it would announce the results of the review on 7-8 days (local time), but it became true when a senior EMA official came up with an opinion that there is a clear causal relationship between AZ vaccine and thrombosis. It’s an atmosphere. The BBC reported that UK health authorities stopped trials in children while investigating the link between adult AZ vaccine vaccination and blood clots.
In Korea, a third case of blood clots after vaccination with AZ vaccine appeared. Bang Dae-bon revealed that A, a woman in her twenties, who is a medical institution worker, received the AZ vaccine and developed thrombosis in the legs and lungs. Mr. A was vaccinated with AZ vaccine on the 17th of last month, and on the 29th after the 12th, he was diagnosed with thrombosis after receiving treatment at a medical institution for shortness of breath.
As concerns over the AZ vaccine spread, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety decided to approve Janssen’s COVID-19 vaccine on the 7th. An official from Bang Dae-bon said, “We created a Task Force (TF) to speed up the introduction of unconfirmed quantities in the second quarter, and related ministries such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare are working hard.”
[김덕식 기자 / 박윤균 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]