“66% of teachers found suspected cases of child abuse…only 19% reported”

picture explanation“66% of teachers found suspicious cases of child abuse…only 19% reported” (PG)

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More than 6 out of 10 teachers found suspected cases of child abuse in their schools, but less than 2 out of 10 reported cases of child abuse, a survey found.

The Practical Education Teachers’ Association announced on the 11th the results of a child abuse survey conducted using an online questionnaire for 800 teachers of kindergarten, elementary, middle, high and special schools for five days from the 6th to the 10th.

According to this result, 318 teachers answered that’there was a suspected abuse case among the supervisors’, and 209 teachers answered’there was a suspicious case of abuse among students who were not direct teaching students’. It means that 66% of the surveyed schools, 529 people, said they witnessed abuse.

However, only 154 teachers, 19% of the survey subjects, had report experience.

466 teachers, 60% of the total, answered that they were hesitant to report abuse. The most frequent reason for hesitating to report abuse was’because the child’s situation will get worse after the report’ (33.8%), followed by’because I am not sure about child abuse’ (32.5%).

As for the improvement (duplicate response) for child protection, 76.5% of the teachers surveyed said’separation from the perpetrator’s caregiver. 70.1% of teachers cited’protection of the reporter’s personal information’.

The group of practical education teachers said, “After reporting child abuse, the environment is not created in which children separated from the main caretaker can continue their school life safely.” He pointed out that it is almost impossible to move the abused child to a shelter near his school.


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