‘644 goals in Barsha’ Messi surpasses Pele… Most goals in a single team

Barcelona’s Lionel Messi is celebrating after scoring in the 15th round of the 2020-21 Spanish Primera Liga against Real Valladolid at Estadio Jose Sorriya in Valladolid, Spain on the 23rd (Korean time). © AFP=News1

Lionel Messi (33) scored 644 goals in Barcelona alone, surpassing Pele (80).

Messi led a 3-0 victory with Real Valladolid scoring a goal in the 15th round of the 2020-21 Spanish Primera Liga against Real Valladolid at Estadio Jose Sorriya in Valladolid, Spain on the 23rd (Korean time).

Messi, who started 2-0, scored the team’s third goal in the 20th minute of the second half with the help of Pedri. Messi rushes to the ball from Fedry’s heel, catches it, and finishes with a calm left-footed shot.

Messi, who was not very pleased with his goal this season, was greatly cheered and congratulated by his colleagues after scoring a new record.

With this, Messi played in 785 matches wearing a Barcelona uniform, scoring the 644th, and set the record for the most scoring in a single club.

Messi scored one goal in the match against Valencia on the 20th and scored the 643th goal in Barcelona alone, tying with Pele. Pele played 757 games for Santos in Brazil from 1956 to 1974, scoring 643 goals.

In the very next match that unfolded after a tie with Pele, Messi scored and became the protagonist of a new record.

After setting a new record, Messi said on his SNS, “When I first started playing soccer, I didn’t even think of this record, but in the end, I went over Pele and wrote the record of the most goals in a single team.” “With my teammates who supported me for a long time I would like to express my gratitude to my family and friends.”

Coach Ronald Koeman, who is coaching Messi this season, congratulated “I saw Messi happy. He played very hard and played a very important role in our team’s offense.”

Growing up at the Barcelona youth club, Messi scored his first goal in a league match against Albacete in March 2005 with the help of Ronaldinho. In the 2005-06 season, Messi began to bloom his potential by scoring 8 goals in 25 appearances.

Then, from 2006-07 season, he became the main game and successfully scored his first double digits with 17 points in 36 games.

Since then, Messi has consistently scored double digits for 14 seasons until last season. In the 2011-12 season, he scored a total of 73 goals in 60 games. He is scoring 10 goals in 18 games this season.

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