621 new diagnoses, 600 for two consecutive days… Rapid spread of collective infection everywhere (comprehensive)

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Amid the re-proliferation of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Korea, the number of new confirmed cases again reached 600.

Following the previous day, it recorded the early 600s for two consecutive days.

It was only a month after the beginning of January (1.8-10, 674, 641, 657 each) that the number of confirmed cases per day came out in a row.

In particular, there are concerns that the size of confirmed cases may increase in the future as large and small infections erupt in various places before the effect of the Lunar New Year holidays, when a large-scale population movement occurred, could be in full swing.

In addition, the government is struggling to prepare future countermeasures while observing the impact of the’social distancing’ (currently the 2nd stage of the metropolitan area, the 1.5th stage of the non-metropolitan area) and the easing of business hours for multi-use facilities in the metropolitan area on the number of confirmed cases.

◇ Local occurrence, close to 600 people on the second day… Out of 590, 432 in the metropolitan area, 158 in the non-metropolitan area

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increased by 621, accumulating 85,000,567.

The number of confirmed cases was the same as the previous day (621).

The’third pandemic’ in Korea, which started in earnest since mid-November last year, showed a gradual decline after peaking (December 25th, 1,240 people), but recently, as large and small infections followed, it turned to an increase again. In particular, during the Lunar New Year holidays (2.11-14), the number of tests decreased by half compared to weekdays, and the number of confirmed cases dropped to the early 300s, but then rapidly increased from 400 to 600.

The number of new confirmed cases for the last week (2.12-18) was 403 → 362 → 326 → 343 → 457 → 621 → 621 each day. During this period, there were three for 300, two for 400, and two for 600.

Looking at the path of infection of new confirmed patients on this day, local outbreaks were 590 and overseas inflows were 31.

Unfortunately, local outbreaks, foreign inflows, and the total number of new confirmed cases were the same as the previous day.

When looking at the areas where there were confirmed local outbreaks, Seoul 179, Gyeonggi 237, and Incheon 16 were 432 in the metropolitan area, an increase of 17 from the previous day (415), maintaining 400. The number of 432 people itself is the highest number in 41 days since the 8th of last month (452).

Workers in industrial complexes undergoing COVID-19 testing

picture explanationWorkers in industrial complexes undergoing COVID-19 testing

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Non-metropolitan areas are Busan and Chungnam, 28 people each, Gyeongbuk 22, Chungbuk 16, Gwangju and Daejeon 12 each, Daegu 9, Gyeongnam 7, Ulsan 6, Jeonbuk and Jeju 5, Jeonnam 4, Gangwon 3 Myeong, Sejong 1, etc. There were a total of 158 confirmed cases of non-metropolitan area outbreaks.

In the case of major infections, a total of 115 people were tested positive by the afternoon of the previous day after one Cambodian worker was confirmed in the plastic manufacturing plant in Jingwan Industrial Complex, Jingeon-eup, Namyang-si, Gyeonggi-do.

As for the cricket boiler plant in Asan, Chungcheongnam-do, 129 people have been diagnosed so far, and’n-th infection’, centered on family and acquaintances who have contacted with employees, is sporadically leading to an emergency to block the spread.

In addition, major university hospitals, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and Hanyang University Hospital in Seongdong-gu, also have confirmed cases steadily.

◇ 8 patients with severe gastric disorders decreased, a total of 161 people… Confirmed in 17 cities and provinces nationwide

There were 31 confirmed overseas inflows, the same as the previous day (31).

Twelve of the confirmed cases were confirmed during quarantine at the airport or port. The remaining 19 were tested positive while self-isolation at residential or temporary living facilities in Seoul (6), Gyeonggi/Gwangju (4 each), Incheon, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, and Gyeongbuk (1 each).

It is estimated that the number of confirmed foreign inflows came from a total of 15 countries, with 19 Koreans and 12 foreigners.

By country, the United States is the largest with 11, followed by Jordan, followed by Jordan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and Hungary, with two, and Nepal, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Lithuania, Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay, and Tanzania with one each.

When local outbreaks and foreign inflows (excluding quarantine) are combined, there are 443 people in the metropolitan area, including 185 in Seoul, 241 in Gyeonggi, and 17 in Incheon. All 17 trials nationwide have new confirmed cases.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths increased by 6 from the previous day to 1,544 cumulative. The average fatality rate in Korea is 1.80%.

The number of patients with severe gastric disorders decreased by 8 to a total of 161.

By this day, the number of confirmed cases lifted from quarantine increased by 536 to a cumulative 75,000. The number of patients undergoing quarantine treatment is currently 8,127, an increase of 79 from the previous day.

The number of corona 19 diagnostic tests conducted in Korea so far is a total of 6.33,214, of which 614,6,927 were negative, and the remaining 7,720 are waiting for the results.

The number of examinations through the screening clinic the day before was 42,647 cases, which is 4,430 fewer than the 47,000 cases the day before.

The positive rate, calculated as compared to the number of tests on the previous day, was 1.46% (621 out of 42,647), slightly higher than the previous day 1.32% (621 out of 47,000). As of 0 o’clock on this day, the cumulative positive rate was 1.36% (85,567 out of 6.33,214).

[그래픽]  National Corona 19 Confirmation Status

picture explanation[그래픽] National Corona 19 Confirmation Status


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