6 people including National Power’Busan Bogwan’ Park Hyeong-jun, Lee Eon-ju, and Lee Jin-bok entered the qualifying round

6 people including National Power’Busan Bogwan’ Park Hyeong-jun, Lee Eon-ju, and Lee Jin-bok entered the qualifying round

Reporter Min Ji-hyung [email protected]

Input: 2021-01-26 09:37:49Revision: 2021-01-26 11:29:52Posted: 2021-01-26 11:30:47


All are speaking before the interview for applicants for the Busan Mayor's by-election nomination held at Busan City Hall on the 25th.  Reporter Jeong Jong-hoe

All are speaking before the interview for applicants for the Busan Mayor’s by-election nomination held at Busan City Hall on the 25th. Reporter Jeong Jong-hoe

The power of the people ‘4·7 Busan mayor by-election’ Among the nine people who voted for the preliminary race, three were’cut off’.

The People’s Strength Nomination Management Committee announced at a press conference on the 26th that 6 out of 9 candidates for the Busan mayor’s by-election nomination had entered the preliminary race.

At an interview, Chairman of the Embassy of the Consulate General Jin-seok Jeong announced that 6 members, including former Congressman Park Min-sik, former Busan City Economic Vice Mayor Park Hyung-jun, Dong-A University professor, Lee Eon-ju, former Congressman Lee Jin-bok, and Jeon Seong-ha, LF Energy CEO (in alphabetical order), were selected as candidates for the preliminary race.

Accordingly, three members, including Kim Gwi-soon, an emeritus professor at Busan University of Foreign Studies, Oh Seung-cheol, the sponsoring chairman of the Busan Welfare 21 General Volunteers Association, and Lee Kyung-man, former Blue House administrator, were unable to participate in the preliminary race. Chairman Chung said, “The result of comprehensive consideration of qualitative and quantitative evaluation,” and “I was particularly interested in the aspect of whether the candidate’s pledge was future-oriented.”

Accordingly, the six people’s power of the preliminary preliminary candidates for the Busan Mayor will enter the’qualifier’ in earnest, starting with posting a promotional video they made this afternoon.

After that, on the 28th, Busan BEXCO presentation and interview video posted on the 31st. After conducting a public opinion poll (20% of the party members + 80% of the general) on the 3rd to 4th of the following month, 4 candidates for the final race will be selected. .

As more than two candidates (Park Seong-hun and Jeon Seong-ha) registered for the preliminary contest, one out of four candidates to advance to the main contest is one of the two rookie candidates, Park and Jeon.

When the four finalists are covered, the final candidate will be selected through a lottery of candidates’ preferences and Media Day (February 7th), followed by three one-on-one debates (February 15, 18, 22) and joint debate (25th). Decide.

At each debate, the’Busan Mayoral Candidate Debate Evaluation Group’ composed of 1,000 people announces the scores of the candidates. Although the evaluation team’s scores are not directly reflected in the final contest results, the indirect influence is expected to be significant as the final candidates are determined through a 100% public opinion poll.

In addition, the Power of the People’s Consular Commission was also a candidate for the preliminary race for the mayor of Seoul on this day. Eight people, including the commissioner, were confirmed as candidates for the preliminary contest, and six were cut off.

Reporter Min Ji-hyung [email protected]
