6 out of 10 `Donghak ants` “Profit-sharing system infringes shareholder property rights”

A survey found that 6 out of 10 individual shareholders, so-called’Donghak ants’, believe that the current profit-sharing system can infringe shareholders’ property rights.

In addition, 5 out of 10 were willing to participate in a class action suit in case of a decline in stock prices or a decrease in dividends due to a decrease in profits due to the profit sharing system.

The National Federation of Entrepreneurs announced on the 7th the results of a survey on the perception of the profit-sharing system among 500 men and women over the age of 18 who own corporate stocks through Mono Research, a market research organization.

Opinion on infringement of shareholder property rights

picture explanationOpinion on infringement of shareholder property rights

63.6% of respondents said that the implementation of the profit-sharing system could infringe shareholders’ property rights such as a decline in stock prices or a decrease in dividends due to a decrease in corporate profits. In particular, many young people, such as those in their 20s or younger (74.0%) and in their 30s (75.5%), had opinions about property rights infringement.

When asked about their willingness to participate in a class action lawsuit in the event of a drop in stock prices or a decrease in dividends due to the implementation of the profit-sharing system, 47.2% of respondents said they are willing to participate.

In addition, more than half of the respondents (51.6%) did not agree on the purpose of the benefit-sharing system to share part of corporate profits with the victims of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). By age, the percentage of disagreement among respondents in their 30s was the highest at 80.2%.

Opinion on fundraising plan

picture explanationOpinion on fundraising plan

The most common reasons for disagreeing with the profit-sharing system were’weakening corporate growth engines such as investment due to reduced corporate profits’ (26.4%) and’infringement of shareholder property rights such as reduced dividends’ (23.6%).

This was followed by’non-correlation between companies and victims’ (22.1%),’reverse discrimination from foreign companies (14.3%), and’only profits from Corona 19 cannot be calculated’ (13.6%).

The reasons for agreeing are’contribution to resolving polarization’ (32.9%),’need to share the pain caused by Corona 19′ (30.5%),’severe crisis for vulnerable groups’ (26.3%), and’clear some corporate preferences due to Corona 19′ ( 6.1%).

More than half of the respondents (51.6%) did not agree with the fundraising proposed as a promising method of the profit-sharing system.

In addition, when asked whether the discussion on the profit-sharing system is close to the request for voluntary participation or compulsory participation by companies, 48.0% of respondents said that it is close to the demand for mandatory participation.


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