5G Core’Network Slicing’, Network Neutrality Exception Acknowledged’Guideline’

Signboard of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Information and Communication, Sejong Finance Center [사진=과기정통부]
Signboard of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Information and Communication, Sejong Finance Center [사진=과기정통부]

[IT비즈뉴스 김소현 기자] A guideline has been prepared that recognizes’network slicing’, one of the core 5G technologies, as an exception to network neutrality.

The Ministry of Science, ICT and ICT announced that it has prepared a’revision of guidelines for network neutrality and Internet traffic management’ containing the same contents as a result of several discussions in the network neutrality research group formed last year.

Network neutrality is the principle that all data transmitted over the Internet network should be treated equally regardless of the content or type.

Network slicing is a technology that provides customized services for each network by dividing physical communication networks in a virtualization method.

The core of this revised guideline is the introduction of the concept of’special service’. By introducing the concept of a special service to a network that is separate from the Internet access service, the current requirements for providing network neutral exception services have been clarified.

The Ministry of Science and ICT stipulated that providing services for specific purposes only to specific users as special services in this guideline. It stated that it should be provided through a separate network physically separated from the Internet access service.

Special services such as self-driving cars and telemedicine services with special purposes, network slicing built for these services, and mobile edge computing (MEC) are special services.

It also includes services that are subscribed to and used for special purposes, such as IPTV and Internet phone (VoIP). With this revision of the guideline, special services are allowed to be exempted from network neutrality.

[과기정통부 자료인용]
[과기정통부 자료인용]

However, it also contains a safety device to prevent general Internet service users from being harmed by special services.

Internet service providers (ISPs) must maintain the level of Internet quality used by general users at an appropriate level even if they provide special services. Providing special services to circumvent the principle of net neutrality is prohibited.

The guideline also includes measures to mitigate the information asymmetry between communication service providers and content providers (CP).

To this end, the Ministry of Science and ICT plans to check the quality of service providers’ Internet access and have them submit related data such as quality impact.

The Ministry of Science and ICT explained, “This revised guideline makes it clear that new convergence services such as autonomous vehicles can be provided if special service provision requirements are met while maintaining the net neutrality principle.”
