559 confirmed cases… Concern about spreading IM發 nationwide

Gwangju TCS International School 109 confirmed
205 from the day before all patients↑
One in four’family-to-family infections’

559 confirmed cases...  Concern about spreading IM發 nationwide

[아시아경제 서소정 기자] With the spread of group infection from the IM Mission, the number of confirmed coronavirus infections (Corona 19) soared to 500 again in 10 days. Recently, the number of confirmed cases remained at the level of 300-400, and the’third pandemic’ showed a gradual decline, but group infections related to religious facilities spread throughout the country, leading to an explosion of confirmed cases again.

According to the Central Defense Response Headquarters of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the 27th, the number of new confirmed cases as of 0 o’clock on the day was 559, a whopping 205 more than the previous day. This explosive increase is due to the outbreak of a large-scale group infection at Gwangju TCS International School operated by IM Mission.

Securing a list of 22 facilities related to IM Mission… There will be more confirmed cases

The previous day, only 109 confirmed cases occurred in Gwangju TCS International School, an unauthorized educational facility. Earlier, 171 confirmed cases related to Daejeon IEM International School were confirmed, and 300 confirmed cases were found in only two places. Some of the confirmed patients at IEM International School in Daejeon are spreading to local community infections as they move to Hongcheon and Gwangju, Gangwon-do.

The quarantine authorities are currently conducting full inspections on about 20 related facilities nationwide, so the number of confirmed cases is expected to increase in the future. In particular, some of the confirmed cases have a history of visiting restaurants and beauty salons during the onset of symptoms, making the quarantine authorities even more tense. The quarantine authorities have secured information on the list of 22 facilities related to IM Mission, share it with local governments, and are conducting related inspections.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun ordered that all efforts should be made to stop the spread of group infection initiated by IM Mission at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting. Prime Minister Jeong emphasized, “As there are many related facilities across the country, we cannot be relieved of other regions,” he said. “The key is speed, and the quarantine authorities and local governments must do all they can to prevent further spread by grasping all of the related facilities.”

The quarantine authorities believe that the infection spread as they mainly performed activities with a lot of saliva discharge, such as singing Bible meetings, singing hymns, and praying while sleeping and eating together in an enclosed space. Sohn Young-rae, head of the social strategy group at the Central Accident Control Headquarters, asked “religious people to follow the quarantine rules themselves, as the local government requested to issue an administrative order to prevent provision of accommodation and meals in quarantine blind spots such as prayer centers and training centers.”

24% of confirmed cases in the third epidemic period

559 confirmed cases...  Concern about spreading IM發 nationwide

The recent spread of family-to-family infections is also a risk factor.

The quarantine authorities analyzed 15,111 domestic confirmed cases during the third epidemic period (November 20 to December 16, 2020), and found that 3654 (24.2%) were infected through previous confirmed cases in their families. One out of four people spread their family.

One confirmed person preached to the family of 1.57 people, mainly in their 40s and 50s, who are engaged in social activities first, and then spread to spouses, children, and parents. It is interpreted that the spread between families has increased as indoor activities have increased in winter and family life has been achieved due to the prohibition of outside gatherings.

Kwon Jun-wook, head of the 2nd vice-president of the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters, said, “Families who live together in daily life are more likely to spread it.” In addition, until the results of the test come out, they must live in a separate space. To prevent spread between families, it is important to ventilate at least three times a day, and disinfect the places on the table, doorknobs, keyboards, and mice that are easily touched at least once a day.

Professor Lee Jae-gap of Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital said, “If a large-scale group infection such as religious facilities breaks out in a situation where the number of confirmed patients remains at the level of 300, the number of confirmed patients can rise to 1,000 at any time.” “You have to tighten the reins of the person.

Reporter Seo So-jung [email protected]
