530 files deleted by government officials of the Ministry of Industry… Among them, there were documents on the construction of North Korean nuclear power plants.

South and North Korean summits are coming out after a welcome dinner held at the Peace House in Panmunjom on the afternoon of April 27, 2018. [청와대사진기자단]

South and North Korean summits are coming out after a welcome dinner held at the Peace House in Panmunjom on the afternoon of April 27, 2018. [청와대사진기자단]

The list of 530 files deleted by public officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy just before the audit of the auditor was released on the 28th. Among them, it was found that a number of documents related to North Korean nuclear power plant construction and inter-Korean energy cooperation, prepared in 2018, were included. This was revealed through the crime list attached to the complaint by the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office on the 23rd of last month indicting three officials of the Ministry of Industry, including Director Munmo, for obstruction of audit.

The list of 530 deleted files includes the document’Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation Expert in Energy Field_Nuclear Power.hwp’ documented on May 2, 2018, and the document’Promotion Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Construction in North Korea. have. There were also research reports such as’North Korea Electric Power Industry Status and German Integration Case.pdf’ and’Step-by-Step Cooperation Tasks for Building North Korean Electric Power Infrastructure.

Files related to'North Korea Nuclear Power Plant Construction Promotion Document' out of a list of 530 files deleted by public officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy just before the audit of the Audit Office in December 2019.  Report capture

Files related to’North Korea Nuclear Power Plant Construction Promotion Documents’ out of the list of 530 files deleted by public officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy just before the audit of the Audit Office in December 2019. Report capture

Original documents from the’book’ folder in Finnish

There are 17 files for deletions related to North Korea in the list, and 13 files excluding files with the same name. As a result of restoration, all of these files are said to have been located under the upper folder called ’60 pohjois’. pohjois means’north’ in Finnish. In the Naver Finnish dictionary,’Pohjois-Korea’ is North Korea. Also, under the pohjois folder, there was a subfolder called’bukwonchu’. Bukwonchu is presumed to be an abbreviation for the title of the deleted file, “Promotion Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Construction in North Korea”.

Is there any connection between the 2018 inter-Korean summit and nuclear power plant documents?

Moreover, the time of writing or revising these documents is the period between the first inter-Korean summit in Panmunjom on April 27, 2018, and the first North American summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12, 2018.

At the time of the April 27 Panmunjom Summit, President Moon Jae-in delivered the new economic initiative on the Korean Peninsula to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. President Moon said at a meeting of chief and advisors who presided over April 30 that year, “I handed a brochure and PT (presentation) video to Chairman Kim of the New Economy initiative.” It has never been confirmed whether there was any content related to the construction of a nuclear power plant in North Korea in the New Economy initiative.

On November 5, last year, while the prosecutors tried to seize and search the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in relation to the'Wolseong Unit 1 economic evaluation and manipulation', officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the government's Sejong Government Complex are busy.  yunhap news

On November 5, last year, while the prosecutors tried to seize and search the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in relation to the’Wolseong Unit 1 economic evaluation and manipulation’, officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the government’s Sejong Government Complex are busy. yunhap news

“No North Korean nuclear power plants have been heard” by the Ministry of Industry

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is in an awkward mood about North Korea-related documents. In the context of declaring nuclear power, it could lead to political and diplomatic problems to promote the construction of nuclear power plants in North Korea before and after the 2018 inter-Korean summit.

Regarding this, a key official from the Ministry of Industry said, “I have not heard that there were any instructions or reports related to the construction of North Korean nuclear power plants at the time,” and “It is not known whether or not the officials in charge of the Ministry of Industry at the time wrote the documents.” However, he added, “At that time, in the context of the opening of new inter-Korean relations, we could have assumed various scenarios and prepared various plans.”

In the list, there is also a document on the trend of organizations opposing the abolition of nuclear power plants.

In addition, the list of files to be deleted includes a report on the trend of the judgment on the loss of a lawsuit for canceling the continuous operation of Wolseong Unit 1 on February 7, 2017. BAK, and a report on the trend of the nuclear power plant export national action contest on March 5, 2018 (Director). On the 20th of the month, a number of documents were also included to report the trends of organizations opposed to the post-nuclear policy policy, such as’Trends of the Nuclear Power Exporting People’s Action Headquarters Press Conference. BAK’ on April 21 of the same year. Also, on April 15 of the same year, there was a group trend document in favor of the Moon Jae-in government’s nuclear power plant disposal policy, such as’Report on Group Trends Related to Energy Conversion_Guksu.BAK’.

Reporters Kihwan Kim and Hyunjoo Park [email protected]
