’52 years old’ dentist Lee Soo-jin and Kim Tae-hee apologize → “Capturing bad comments” – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Source|Soojin Lee YouTube capture

[스포티비뉴스=김현록 기자]”I’m sorry, Taehee.”

Dentist YouTuber Lee Soo-jin left a recent video and related apology message saying that he was prettier than actor Kim Tae-hee.

Lee Soo-jin captured and posted a post on her YouTube channel’Lee Soo-jin’ community column, saying’I heard that she was prettier than Kim Tae-hee’s’Dentist’ Lee Soo-jin college student photo’ and posted a short apology saying, Raised.

In the video titled “Seoul National University Kim Tae-hee vs. Lee Soo-jin” posted on the 9th, Lee Soo-jin asked a subscriber question, “When Seoul National University thinks of Kim Tae-hee, do you think Lee Soo-jin?” “It was.”

Then Lee Soo-jin’s daughter responded, “When I said,’I’m in the same school as my mom, Kim Tae-hee?’ Lee Soo-jin laughed and trembled, saying, “My boyfriends always said that.” The daughter then asked Lee Soo-jin about her ex-boyfriends, and Lee Soo-jin said, “I’m a dentist,” and “I did CC several times.”

Lee Soo-jin’s remarks have become a big topic since then, and it is said that many bad comments will be poured out. Lee Soo-jin responded to the question of whether he is suing bad comments in the newly posted video titled “Aggressors who have crossed the line”, “Capturing and collecting”.

Lee Soo-jin, born in 1969, attracted attention as a dentist from Seoul National University with an incredible beauty in her 50s, and recently runs YouTube with her daughter.

Sportavi News = Reporter Hyun-Rok Kim [email protected]

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